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Software Quotes

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For the average home-user, anti-virus software is a must. A personal firewall such as Zone Alarm and running a program like HFNetcheck, which is a free download for personal users. It checks your system to see if anything needs to be patched. I’d also recommend a program such as SpyCop to periodically check for any spyware on your system.  (Software Quotes) Like many older fans of Free Software and Open Source, I have discovered that it is really only free in the sense that the time you spend on it is worthless.  (Software Quotes) Certainly there’s a phenomenon around open source. You know free software will be a vibrant area. There will be a lot of neat things that get done there.  (Software Quotes) Many users of the GNU/Linux system will not have heard the ideas of free software. They will not be aware that we have ideas, that a system exists because of ethical ideals, which were omitted from ideas associated with the term ‘open source.’  (Software Quotes) The free software community should be supported more widely. I’m totally in solidarity with what they do.  (Software Quotes) While free software was meant to force developers to lose sleep over ethical dilemmas, open source software was meant to end their insomnia.  (Software Quotes) Paying isn’t wrong, and being paid isn’t wrong. Trampling other people’s freedom and community is wrong, so the free software movement aims to put an end to it, at least in the area of software.  (Software Quotes) Microsoft has laid down the foundations for next-generation computing and is the founder in terms of providing user-friendly software - thereby increasing the number of novice users.  (Software Quotes) The process of software development doesn’t feel any better than it did a generation ago  (Software Quotes) It turned out that building mobile software was a lot more like building hardware... where you had 1 shot and you had to get it right, right out of the gate.  (Software Quotes) If you’re trying to develop a new drug, that costs you a billion dollars to get through the FDA. If you want to start a software company, you can get started with maybe $100,000.  (Software Quotes) You get the software you pay for. In every sense. To the nth degree. That’s the way the world works.  (Software Quotes) Some people, through luck and skill, end up with a lot of assets. If you’re good at kicking a ball, writing software, investing in stocks, it pays extremely well.  (Software Quotes) Really successful designs can be created without software produced special effects. Identities do not NEED bevels, gradations, 3-D imagery, Web 2.Oh-Oh and other oh so special treatments to be great design solutions for clients.  (Software Quotes) Even though I teach with 35mm, my method takes people by surprise, because it isn’t fast, and it isn’t about hardware or software, or even great results. It’s about great process.  (Software Quotes) Organizations want small changes in functionality on a more regular basis. An organization like Flickr deploys a new version of its software every half hour. This is a cycle that feeds on itself.  (Software Quotes) One of the biggest problems that software developers face is that technology changes rapidly. It is very hard to stay current.  (Software Quotes) We have a company, Geometric Software, which is into engineering services software. We have a company called Nature’s Basket, which is into gourmet retailing. Both are specialized companies.  (Software Quotes) Some PhD physicists write software or work for hedge funds, but physics still has a problem with having very smart people but not enough opportunities.  (Software Quotes) Also, because schools must teach the spirit of goodwill, the habit of helping others around you, every class should have this rule: students, if you bring software to class you may not keep it for yourself.  (Software Quotes)
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