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Software Quotes

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The only people who have anything to fear from free software are those whose products are worth even less  (Software Quotes) Software is largely a service industry operating under the persistent but unfounded delusion that it is a manufacturing industry  (Software Quotes) A refund for defective software might be nice, except it would bankrupt the entire software industry in the first year  (Software Quotes) Enterprise is hard work. You have to integrate the client with the optimized systems of all the servers and software  (Software Quotes) Software Engineering might be science; but that’s not what I do. I’m a hacker, not an engineer  (Software Quotes) The days when you needed amazing Silicon Graphics machines to run animation software are gone now  (Software Quotes) We can collaborate with a Netscape employee or partner who’s halfway around the world. We can distribute information and software to customers and shareholders, and get their feedback  (Software Quotes) In software, speed to market, speed to learning is really key. In hardware, if you screw it up, you’re dead. So accuracy really matters  (Software Quotes) We didn’t really start the company to go build an enterprise software company  (Software Quotes) Everything about the enterprise, and then by definition the software the enterprise uses has changed-just in the last 5 years  (Software Quotes) If there could’ve ever been a magical time to build an enterprise software company, now is absolutely that time  (Software Quotes) We’re going from a world of customized software to standardized platforms  (Software Quotes) In a user lead model, users are bringing in their own technology... and you can build software then, around the user  (Software Quotes) With software, you really can replicate and do a lot of very real and active development in parallel, and actually try it out and see what works  (Software Quotes) With multimedia, everything blurs. Software takes the concept of the imagination and makes it something you can edit, tweak, and transform with digital techniques. Everything becomes an edited file  (Software Quotes) The most important people is to pick people who like to write software and who are good at... good developers like working with each other. And they... they reinforce each other’s skills  (Software Quotes) Software was the key element that would determine how useable and how broadly applicable the machine was  (Software Quotes) More and more software would just increase the number of tasks that the computer would help solve  (Software Quotes) Finding information is either a software question or a question of how much information is online  (Software Quotes) Software will get to be somewhat more mature, ah, but it will never be as predictable as most areas of engineering  (Software Quotes) The most important thing was the creation of a... a standard, where hundreds of companies build hardware that can all run the same software  (Software Quotes) I was writing and developing software for alumnae to be able to connect and communicate  (Software Quotes) Even philosophers who did not mind psychology, claimed the brain was irrelevant because it was the hardware, and we only need to know about the software  (Software Quotes) All the songs were written on guitar and then put into the computer, where I played around with different sounds I was hearing and what was available in the software  (Software Quotes) In the next 10 years, data science and software will do more for medicine than all of the biological sciences together  (Software Quotes) Ready, fire, aim: The fast approach to software development. Ready, aim, aim, aim, aim: The slow approach to software development  (Software Quotes) The suddenness of the leap from hardware to software cannot but produce a period of anarchy and collapse, especially in the developed countries  (Software Quotes) Accountants, machinists, medical technicians, even software writers that write the software for ‘machines’ are being displaced without upscaled replacement jobs. Retrain, rehire into higher paying and value-added jobs? That may be the political myth of the modern era. There aren’t enough of those jobs  (Software Quotes) There are lots of examples of routine, middle-skilled jobs that involve relatively structured tasks, and those are the jobs that are being eliminated the fastest. Those kinds of jobs are easier for our friends in the artificial intelligence community to design robots to handle them. They could be software robots; they could be physical robots  (Software Quotes) I got a degree in math, from not a good school in Texas, and then I went to work as a software engineer. Just not glamorous at all  (Software Quotes)
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