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Soldiers Quotes

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For us, the death of Osama bin Laden is a time of profound reflection. With his death, we remember and mourn all the lives lost on September 11. We remember and mourn all the lives lost in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan. We remember and mourn the death of our soldiers.  (Soldiers Quotes) In America, it is reported by some sources that there were more domestic violence related murders in the home than the 58,000 Americans soldiers killed in the entire Vietnam War  (Soldiers Quotes) The US Army has announced that although it is true they performed mind-destroying drug tests on hundreds of soldiers in the 1960s, none of the victims have been promoted beyond the rank of lieutenant colonel.  (Soldiers Quotes) When I was a kid, while touring East Berlin - back when there was an East Berlin - I got my left foot stuck in an escalator in Alexanderplatz. A few hours later, thanks to blowtorches and chainsaws and East German soldiers and the U.S. Embassy, my foot was released, and I along with it.  (Soldiers Quotes) I was eighteen, this was back in 46, so we also had these very frightening images of soldiers in the streets of Paris. So the effect of war, plus my shyness, plus my lack of education - I was afraid of men, really. It changes later, but it took me a certain time to adjust.  (Soldiers Quotes) Those who purify your water, inspect your meat, and test your kids’ toys, as well as a huge number of nurses, teachers, and our soldiers, are public employees. The firefighters who don’t hesitate to rush toward danger while you run away from it - they are all public employees.  (Soldiers Quotes) My first soldier role was in ‘Flags of Our Fathers.’ Casting director Jay Binder saw that movie and was looking for soldiers for ‘Journey’s End,’ which led to ‘Generation Kill.’  (Soldiers Quotes) No country in history ever sent mothers of toddlers off to fight enemy soldiers until the United States did this in the Iraq war.  (Soldiers Quotes) A lot of the great pieces of journalism from Iraq showed how important command influence was in violent, aggressive environments, where Marines and soldiers had a constrained set of choices to make in sudden moments.  (Soldiers Quotes) The officers do not beat the men; the officers and men receive equal treatment. Soldiers are free to hold meetings and speak out. Trivial formalities have been done away with and the accounts are open for all to inspect.  (Soldiers Quotes) My ex-girlfriend was very sexy. She reminded me of the Sphinx because she was very mysterious and eternal and solid...and her nose was shot off by French soldiers.  (Soldiers Quotes) Can a general fight on the strength of soldiers, who, he knows, have no faith in him?  (Soldiers Quotes) Twenty-first century war adds new risks: more and more often there are no front lines, no central command, no rules of engagement - only a chaotic collision of politics, power, faith and bloodlust. Victims are as likely to be civilians as soldiers.  (Soldiers Quotes) All soldiers who serve their country and put their lives at risk need to know that if something happens to them, their families will be well taken care of. That’s the bond we have with our military men and women and their families.  (Soldiers Quotes) Suffragette is an intense drama that tracks the story of the foot soldiers of the early feminist movement as they fight for the right to vote.  (Soldiers Quotes) It is the spirit of the poets that gives the soldiers strength to fight  (Soldiers Quotes) [General James Mattis] said, reading allows you to learn from other people’s mistakes without filling body bags with the bodies of your soldiers as you learn on the battlefield.  (Soldiers Quotes) Barack Obama’s administration responded to the Haitian crisis within 24 hours. Here comes the soldiers, here comes the food, go go go... Rush Limbaugh told his multi-millions of listeners that Obama only did that to gain favour with black people in America. This is the kind of idiocy that I have to deal with in my country.  (Soldiers Quotes) IN MEMORIAM: FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE She whom we love, our Lady of Compassion, Can never die, for Love forbids her death. Love has bent down in his old kindly fashion, And breathed upon her his immortal breath. On wounded soldiers, in their anguish lying, Her gentle spirit shall descend like rain. Where the white flag with the red cross is flying, There shall she dwell, the vanquisher of pain.  (Soldiers Quotes) There was a military police brigade with over 3,400 soldiers getting ready to go home because their mission - prisoner-of-war operations - was finished.  (Soldiers Quotes) Uniforms are intended to make the wearer look as strong as possible. Soldiers could fight in leotards, but that’s never going to happen because leotards aren’t intimidating.  (Soldiers Quotes) Maybe a president who didn’t believe our soldiers were going to heaven might be a little less willing to get them killed.  (Soldiers Quotes) You’ve got soldiers in the 3rd Infantry Division who are going every day on operations and they don’t all have what is considered to be the gold standard in armor  (Soldiers Quotes) Good soldiers never pass up a chance to eat or sleep. They never know how much they’ll be called on to do before the next chance.  (Soldiers Quotes) We made them drink poison last night and Saddam Hussein’s soldiers and his great forces gave the Americans a lesson which will not be forgotten by history. Truly.  (Soldiers Quotes) Ch’in Shih-huang is the first emperor of China. He united seven separate kingdoms into a single nation. He built the Great Wall and was buried with the terra-cotta soldiers. The Chinese have mixed feelings about him. They’re proud of the nation he created, but he was a maniacal tyrant.  (Soldiers Quotes) In the mind of all the English soldiers there is absolutely no hate for the Germans, but a kind of brotherly though slightly comtemptuous kindness - as to men who are going through a bad time as well as ourselves.  (Soldiers Quotes) ...(W)e lose when by official policy or by official negligence we allow, confuse or encourage our soldiers to forget . . . that which is our greatest strength: that we are different and better than our enemies.  (Soldiers Quotes) I got to travel around Anbar Province, had a great group of Marines who worked for me who traveled around Anbar Province. I got to hang out with a lot of different types of Marines and soldiers and sailors.  (Soldiers Quotes) I’ve had songs written during the Falklands war, and during the first Gulf war I got letters from soldiers saying they were listening to these songs, like Island of no return.  (Soldiers Quotes)
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