Solved Quotes

Text Quotes
He told me that Francis Crick and Jim Watson had solved the structure of DNA, so we decided to go across to Cambridge to see it. This was in April of 1953 (Solved Quotes)
Refugee problems can only be solved in the region (of origin) - maybe with a little help from the UN. Governments must provide something for their countries. They need to deliver (Solved Quotes)
Global warming could be solved by shifting three to four per cent of global GDP to pay for it (Solved Quotes)
One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned in my life is to never say somethin you don’t mean. It can cause a problem that may never be solved (Solved Quotes)
Mankind’s problems can no longer be solved by national governments. What is needed is world government (Solved Quotes)
The young men in our city are not problems to be solved. They are opportunities to be unleashed (Solved Quotes)
If you never solved the problems from the past, they will go on in the future (Solved Quotes)
When Columbus took off, the purpose was to improve trade relations with China. That problem has not been solved to this very day, but just look at the by-products (Solved Quotes)
America is a great country. It has many shortcomings, many social inequalities, and it’s tragic that the problem of the blacks wasn’t solved fifty or even a hundred years ago, but it’s still a great country, a country full of opportunities, of freedom! Does it seem nothing to you to be able to say what you like, even against the government, the Establishment? (Solved Quotes)
Biological death is only a mechanical problem, it can be solved and man can live millions of years! Do not believe in life after death! Seek for the life within the life! The medusa of Turritopsis nutricula is biologically immortal and this little creature is a big inspiration for us! He who thinks positively reaches his target! (Solved Quotes)
We blacks had problems in the 60s and we solved them by marching. We’ve still got problems - let’s march (Solved Quotes)
We have to prepare for what life could become in 40 years. We need to outline what is possible and what is impossible with the non-renewable resources of the Earth. What role will technological improvement play? Taking all this into account, what kind of life can we produce in the best way for 10 billion people? That’s a problem that needs to be solved (Solved Quotes)
People relate to things that feel real to them. All the good, happy, over-sexed and moneyed endings on TV are not the way most of us feel in our lives. The success of ‘E.R.,’ I think, is not relying on overly sentimental stories that are solved where people’s lives wrap up nicely with happy endings (Solved Quotes)
I really do think cancer will largely be a solved problem. I think most of the infectious diseases like malaria - our foundation is very involved - once we’re finishing polio eradication, then starting up this malaria eradication, and getting that done as fast as we can (Solved Quotes)
I’ve never found a client’s business problem that could be solved solely through advertising. (Solved Quotes)
As with Randall Terry and other anti-abortion leaders, women simply did not figure into [Roeder’s] equations. If all the abortion providers were dead, the problem would be solved, and he’d never have to think about those who sought to end their pregnancies through illegal or dangerous means. (Solved Quotes)
We all desire things that we believe we cannot have, and so my films reflect that again and again. The mystery must be solved, the goal attained. (Solved Quotes)
The history of mathematics is a history of horrendously difficult problems being solved by young people too ignorant to know that they were impossible. (Solved Quotes)
I think that people think when you have money that your problems go away and everything’s solved, and it’s great and wonderful. You’re a perfect human being. (Solved Quotes)
Human spirit is the ability to face the uncertainty of the future with curiosity and optimism. It is the belief that problems can be solved, differences resolved. It is a type of confidence. And it is fragile. It can be blackened by fear and superstition. (Solved Quotes)
Sometimes big problems are best solved with lots of small and creative solutions (Solved Quotes)
As long as you blame someone or something else - something outside you that’s bigger than you are - as the source of your problems, the problems won’t get solved. (Solved Quotes)
My dad always said that 90 percent of marital problems could be solved by getting your blood sugar up, and he’s right! So I would say pick a partner who’s forgiving when you have low blood sugar and threaten to drive your car through your shared home. (Solved Quotes)
I’ve always thought that a lot of the problems in the world would be solved if a spaceship did arrive, then anyone with one head and two arms and two legs would be your brother! It wouldn’t matter where they were from or what they believed or anything. It might be good for us. (Solved Quotes)
None of the threats to the global commons will be solved by building walls (Solved Quotes)
Business and human endeavors are systems...we tend to focus on snapshots of isolated parts of the system. And wonder why our deepest problems never get solved. (Solved Quotes)
I believe 3D is inevitable because it’s about aligning our entertainment systems to our sensory system. We all have two eyes; we all see the world in 3D. And it’s natural for us to want our entertainment in 3D as well. It’s just getting the technology - it’s really more the business model than the technology piece. We’ve solved the technology. (Solved Quotes)
What I really like about law is that it’s not an endless discourse like history or philosophy. In law, there comes a point where problems have to be solved, and cases decided. (Solved Quotes)
Climate change and ozone depletion are two global issues that are different but have many connections. In the ozone depletion case, we managed to work with decision makers effectively so that an international agreement called the Montreal Protocol was achieved that essentially solved the ozone depletion problem. (Solved Quotes)
I sort of feel that climate change will be solved by science. I just feel instinctively that we will find a way of saving ourselves. But I am less confident that we won’t destroy ourselves in other ways. (Solved Quotes)