Some days I wish we had we never met

Some days I wish we had we never met
Some days, the weight of our past love feels too heavy to bear. The memories of our time together, the laughter, the tears, the shared moments of joy and sorrow, they all come flooding back to me in waves of bittersweet nostalgia. And on those days, I find myself wishing that we had never met.It's not that I regret loving you, or that I wish I could erase you from my heart. No, it's more that the pain of losing you feels too raw, too fresh, even after all this time. The wound you left behind still aches, a constant reminder of what once was and what could have been.
I find myself longing for the days when I was blissfully unaware of the heartache that would come with loving you. When my heart was whole and unbroken, when I didn't have to constantly fight the urge to reach out to you, to hear your voice, to feel your touch.
Some days, I wish we had never met because the thought of a life without you seems easier to bear than the reality of a life without you in it. The emptiness that fills the space where you used to be is a constant reminder of the love we shared, now lost to the passage of time.
I know that wishing for a different past is futile, that what's done is done and cannot be undone. But on those days when the ache in my heart is too much to bear, when the memories of our love threaten to overwhelm me, I can't help but wish for a different ending to our story.
And yet, despite the pain and the longing, I know that I wouldn't trade our time together for anything in the world. The love we shared, however fleeting, was real and true, and I will always cherish the moments we had, even as I wish for a different outcome.
So on those days when the sadness threatens to consume me, when the weight of our past love feels too heavy to bear, I find solace in the knowledge that our love, however painful, was worth it in the end. And I hold onto the hope that one day, the ache in my heart will fade, and I will be able to look back on our time together with nothing but gratitude for the love we shared.