Some persons can never relish the full moon, out of respect for that venerable institution, the old one

Some persons can never relish the full moon, out of respect for that venerable institution, the old one
Douglas Jerrold was a renowned English playwright, journalist, and humorist known for his sharp wit and satirical commentary on society. He was a keen observer of human nature and often used his writing to critique the social norms and conventions of his time. One of Jerrold's most famous quotes is, "Some persons can never relish the full moon, out of respect for that venerable institution, the old one."This quote reflects Jerrold's keen insight into the human psyche and the way in which people often cling to tradition and the past, even at the expense of experiencing new and beautiful things. The full moon is a natural phenomenon that has captivated humans for centuries, inspiring myths, legends, and rituals across cultures. It is a symbol of mystery, magic, and the cyclical nature of life. However, Jerrold suggests that some individuals may be unable to fully appreciate the beauty of the full moon because they are too focused on venerating the past and the traditions of their ancestors.