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Some say that love is the sweetest feeling, the purest form of joy, but that isn't right. It's not love - it's relief

Some say that love is the sweetest feeling, the purest form of joy, but that isn't right. It's not love - it's relief Picture Quote #1

Some say that love is the sweetest feeling, the purest form of joy, but that isn't right. It's not love - it's relief

Karen Thompson Walker is a renowned author known for her thought-provoking and emotionally charged novels that delve into the complexities of human emotions and relationships. In her works, she often explores the idea of love and its various forms, challenging conventional notions and shedding light on the deeper, more nuanced aspects of this powerful emotion.

The statement, "Some say that love is the sweetest feeling, the purest form of joy, but that isn't right. It's not love - it's relief," resonates deeply with Walker's themes and narratives. In her novel, "The Age of Miracles," Walker delves into the intricacies of love and human connection in the face of a catastrophic event that threatens the very existence of humanity. Through her characters, she explores the different ways in which people seek solace and comfort in times of crisis, often mistaking relief for love.
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