Someday, you will forget the hurt, the reasons you cried, and the one who caused the pain

Someday, you will forget the hurt, the reasons you cried, and the one who caused the pain
Pain words are powerful. They have the ability to cut deep, leaving wounds that may take a long time to heal. The hurtful words spoken by someone we care about can linger in our minds, causing us to relive the pain over and over again. But as time passes, the sting of those words may begin to fade. Someday, you will forget the hurt, the reasons you cried, and the one who caused the pain.Forgiveness is a powerful tool in overcoming the pain caused by hurtful words. It is not easy to forgive someone who has hurt us deeply, but holding onto anger and resentment only prolongs our suffering. By letting go of the pain and choosing to forgive, we free ourselves from the burden of carrying around that hurt. We may never forget the words that were said or the pain they caused, but we can choose to release the hold they have on us.
As we heal from the wounds caused by pain words, we may find that our perspective shifts. We begin to see the situation from a different angle, understanding that the hurtful words were a reflection of the other person's pain and not a true reflection of ourselves. We realize that holding onto the pain only serves to keep us stuck in the past, preventing us from moving forward and finding peace.