Someone Better Quotes
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Text Quotes
Don’t be cocky. Don’t be flashy. There’s always someone better than you (Someone Better Quotes)
Only by constantly exposing myself to someone better than I have I been able to improve (Someone Better Quotes)
Love is finding someone better than you are, and holding on for dear life (Someone Better Quotes)
It is better to have a relationship with someone who cheats on you than with someone who does not flush the toilet (Someone Better Quotes)
A wise man once told me that only by leaving someone good can you meet someone better (Someone Better Quotes)
How can you not forgive someone who made you a better person? (Someone Better Quotes)
What could smell better than supper being cooked by someone else? (Someone Better Quotes)
Sometimes, someone has to walk out of your life, to prepare enough space for someone better to walk in (Someone Better Quotes)
Listeners will wonder what an Englishman is doing on the German radio tonight. You can imagine that before taking this step I hoped that someone better qualified than me would come forward (Someone Better Quotes)
When you keep on finding someone better, you will also keep on leaving someone who might be the best (Someone Better Quotes)
When someone walks out of your life, let them. They are just making room for someone better to walk in (Someone Better Quotes)
If we’re still single when we’re 40, let’s continue waiting for someone better than each other (Someone Better Quotes)
You know that girl that always forgave you? That always loved you? That always took you back? Pretty soon, she’ll give up and find someone better (Someone Better Quotes)
When you meet someone better than yourself, turn your thoughts to becoming his equal. When you meet someone not as good as you are, look within and examine your own self (Someone Better Quotes)
There’s a problem with marrying up. You always worry that someday they’ll see through you and leave. Or, worse yet, someone better will come along and take her. In my case, it wasn’t someone. And it wasn’t something better (Someone Better Quotes)
I don’t think of myself as a singer; I usually end up singing when I can’t find anyone better to sing, or when I’m too lazy to find someone better (Someone Better Quotes)
Someone who really deserves you would never say: You deserve someone better than me, because he knows he’s worth for you (Someone Better Quotes)
There is always someone better than you. Whatever it is that you do for a living, chances are, you will run into a situation in which you are not as talented as the person next to you. That’s when being a competitor can make a difference in your fortunes (Someone Better Quotes)
Maybe there is no one perfect person and anyone you end up with will eventually make you think there's someone better out there (Someone Better Quotes)
If you're single, focus on being a better you instead of looking for someone better than your ex. A better you will attract a better next (Someone Better Quotes)
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