Someone Else Quotes

Text Quotes
I try never to wear my own clothes, I pretend I’m someone else (Someone Else Quotes)
What inspires me may not inspire someone else (Someone Else Quotes)
Someone else’s opinion of me- does not change my opinion of me (Someone Else Quotes)
Art is the manipulation of someone else’s imagination (Someone Else Quotes)
No one has ever made himself great by showing how small someone else is (Someone Else Quotes)
Jealousy is when you count someone else's blessings instead of your own (Someone Else Quotes)
Don't make someone your everything, if they've already made someone else theirs (Someone Else Quotes)
before you can truly love someone else, you have to learn to love yourself (Someone Else Quotes)
Please don't be in love with someone else please don't have somebody waiting on you (Someone Else Quotes)
If you don't build your dreams, someone else will hire you to build theirs (Someone Else Quotes)
Blowing out someone else's candle doesn't make yours shine any brighter (Someone Else Quotes)
The greatest sacrifice is when you sacrifice your own happiness for the sake off someone else (Someone Else Quotes)
A guy is only insecure about losing his girl when he knows someone else can treat her better (Someone Else Quotes)
Everyone makes mistakes, admit your own before you point out someone else's (Someone Else Quotes)
Frankly, I don't mind not being President. I just mind that someone else is (Someone Else Quotes)
One of the hardest things in life is watching the person you love, love someone else (Someone Else Quotes)
Sometimes the right thing for you is the wrong thing for someone else (Someone Else Quotes)
Happy Mother's Day to a new mom who has yet to mess up someone else's life (Someone Else Quotes)
The man who can smile when things go wrong has thought of someone else he can blame it on (Someone Else Quotes)
Stop allowing your own insecurities to color the way you interpret someone else's intention (Someone Else Quotes)
We believe that to err is human. To blame it on someone else is politics (Someone Else Quotes)
I find autumn leaves are at their most beautiful when they are being raked by someone else (Someone Else Quotes)
Have you ever wanted to meet yourself and see yourself from someone else's point of view? (Someone Else Quotes)
If you don't have a plan for yourself, you'll be a part of someone else's (Someone Else Quotes)
Sometimes you can't wait for someone else to save you. You have to be the hero that saves yourself (Someone Else Quotes)
The only thing worse than not getting what you want is someone else getting it (Someone Else Quotes)
Teamwork. Ensuring that your hard work can always be ruined by someone else's incompetence (Someone Else Quotes)
The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it (Someone Else Quotes)
Be kind to yourself today, be kind to someone else today. Allow kindness to spread (Someone Else Quotes)
Do what you do for the sheer joy of it, Do what you choose, not what someone else chooses for you (Someone Else Quotes)