Son Quotes

Text Quotes
I have been devoted to my son, and there have been lots of jobs in the past that I haven’t done because I didn’t want to be away from him. (Son Quotes)
Circumstances have rarely favored great men. A lowly beginning is no bar to a great career. The boy who works his way through college may have a hard time of it, but he will learn how to work his way in life, and will usually take higher rank in school and in after life than his classmate who is the son of a millionaire. (Son Quotes)
You speak of beginning the education of your son. The moment he was able to form an idea his education was already begun. . . . (Son Quotes)
As the Only Begotten Son of the Father in the flesh, Jesus inherited divine attributes. He was the only person ever born into mortality who could perform this most significant and supernal act. (Son Quotes)
The relative property of the Son is to be begotten, that is, so to proceed from the Father as to be a participant of the same essence and perfectly carry on the Father’s nature. (Son Quotes)
It brings hope and peace of mind knowing that God gave His only begotten Son for us. I’m able to look back and know that on this day Jesus was born and gave us the opportunity to have eternal life. (Son Quotes)
Our Heavenly Father loves us. He sent His Only Begotten Son to be our Savior. He knew that in mortality we would be in grave danger, the worst of it from the temptations of a terrible adversary. That is one of the reasons why the Savior has provided priesthood keys so that those with ears to hear and faith to obey could go to places of safety. (Son Quotes)
The best thing about being a dad? Well, I think it’s just the thing that every man wants - to have a son and heir. (Son Quotes)
Being the son of a filmmaker, you are aware of a career as a director. You don’t think of it as just movies, but as a life. (Son Quotes)
It’s the best thing ever - I love being a mom. This is my only child. My career was a priority earlier in my life, but now my son is definitely the priority. (Son Quotes)
Either Jesus is the Son of God ; or a madman or worse. But His being just a great teacher? He’s not left that open to us. (Son Quotes)
The characters I’ve played have been mostly violent, and I’m so far from being violent or aggressive. I spend a lot of time watching ‘Fireman Sam’ with my three-year-old son Louis. (Son Quotes)
I’m divorced and have a son and a grandson and it is a problem being away most of the time. Living as I do, if I had a wife and children I think it would be really hard to do. (Son Quotes)
My competition keeps me driven. My family and son and being home in Chicago keeps me humble, and my fans. They’re the reason why I’m going hard and making sure everyone knows how to say my name. (Son Quotes)
My own son feels I’m uncool but my grandson loves me. Being cool or uncool is a generational thing. But as a personal thing, I really love everybody in sight. (Son Quotes)
I desperately wanted to play the part of Darth Vader’s mother - I think she ended up being played by a Scandinavian actress - because my son was completely crazy about ‘Star Wars.’ (Son Quotes)
I was a little bit of a slob who was sort of surrounded by dirty laundry. I can trace the exact moment that I became a tidy human being, and that moment was the day my son Sam was born. (Son Quotes)
When a scientist’s son or daughter becomes a scientist they’ll say Wonderful! Wonderful! So, why, in the name of God, would a mother be jealous to see her daughter become a successful writer? (Son Quotes)
If I say you’re a goatherd’s son, you say, ‘Yes, Lord Ralon.’Alanna gasped with fury. I’d as soon kiss a pig! Is that what you’ve been doing-kissing pigs? Or being kissed? (Son Quotes)
My son was born somewhat late in my life and I just found myself really feeling like I didn’t want to miss out on being a parent and being with him, and not wanting a situation where I was constantly pulled back and forth between being present, and having all these other pressures and considerations. (Son Quotes)
Being a son of the pastor, I was never allowed to play Joseph or any of the big parts for political reasons. (Son Quotes)
Being the son of a father who works so hard, I always wanted to be able take a lot of load off of my dad so he can just relax. (Son Quotes)
I would like everyone to feel loved by the God who gave his son for us and showed us his boundless love. I want everyone to feel the joy of being Christian. (Son Quotes)
A lot of people think Christianity is about always being perfect. It’s actually the opposite of that. It’s realizing that we’re all humans, and that’s why God sent his Son to this earth - to save people. (Son Quotes)
Mary and Jesus had this extraordinary relationship between them. What a teacher Mary is, really. It is the ultimate trusting; that she had to trust God, that she was so privileged to be the mother of the Savior, that she had to stand there as a mother and watch her son being murdered and trust that that is what he came to do. (Son Quotes)
Being sorry won’t get you into heaven. Get happy, son. Get that old spring into your step and stay on your toes. (Son Quotes)
I do think being a prissy tomboy helps me in raising a son in general. I wrestle with him, play ball, play in the sandbox with him. As a mom, you get bruises, scrapes on your knee. (Son Quotes)
When I hear Mitt Romney say that he believes that Jesus is the Son of God, that He’s the Christ, raised from the dead, that He’s his savior - that’s good enough for me. (Son Quotes)
I believe that the appearance of God the Father and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, in 1820 to Joseph Smith unlocked the heavens not only to the great spiritual knowledge revealed in this dispensation but also to secular knowledge. (Son Quotes)
As a pastor and as a dad, I want my son to know I tell the truth. He can read the book. He knows if I exaggerated or if I didn’t. My son is forever gonna believe that I’m an honest person or I’m a liar by what I wrote in that book, because he can read. (Son Quotes)