Son Quotes

Text Quotes
Some things make me emotional in a good way. When my son does well in school, I get real emotional because that’s a testament to what I’m feeding him at home on a daily basis as far as knowledge goes. I wasn’t so emotional until I had my first son. (Son Quotes)
In fact, my son learned his first swear word from E.T. at age five. The way I look at it, E.T. stole a bit of my son’s childhood. (Son Quotes)
In just a few minutes, my son will have completed his first trip around the sun (Son Quotes)
I promise just to serve two terms. Republicans do it differently. They just have the son repeat the father’s whole first term. (Son Quotes)
The Godhead consists of three separate, distinct personages who are one in purpose. The Father and the Son have tangible bodies of flesh and bone while the Holy Ghost is a personage of spirit. (Son Quotes)
That’s the law, son. But you were never much of a one for following the law. (Son Quotes)
True happiness for me is playing a concert in Blink-182, and then hanging out with my friends and my wife and son, and going out for Mexican food. (Son Quotes)
Saw a man in Whole Foods yelling at his son, What are you doing?! You know I don’t eat bread!! Is there such a thing as health food abuse? (Son Quotes)
I am gagged and imprisoned. I can’t even speak. I want to kick a football in a park with my son. Ordinary, banal life: my impossible dream. (Son Quotes)
I’m a big football fan, but I have to tell you if I had a son, I’d have to think long and hard before I let him play football. (Son Quotes)
If you’re going to tear down a hero, you should never forget that you’re tearing down someone else’s hero. You’re tearing down somebody else’s son. You might have to face her one day. (Son Quotes)
My son, all my life I have loved this science so deeply that I can now hear my heart beat for joy.{Commenting about Louis Pasteur’s accomplishment of separating two asymmetric forms of tartaric acid crystals.} (Son Quotes)
Howard adores Sam’s looks. He loves the strong cut of jaw made satin with thickening peach fuzz, loses himself in the green eyes. Howard stares at them like a lover, but always obliquely. (Sometimes we watch our son from a distance. I wonder what he’s thinking, Howard will say.) (Son Quotes)
I write while my son is at school. At about 7:45 A.M., I walk him there, with the dogs, then walk them for another forty minutes or so, go home and chain myself to the desk a little before 9 A.M., and try not to be distracted until I hear my son plunge through the front door at about 3 P.M. (Son Quotes)
I want my marriage to be like th Earth, full of life and revolving around the Son (Son Quotes)
(Da) Sorry, Son, what was that? I was too busy ignoring you.(Later) Sorry, Son, I missed that, Ma said. Ignoring you can be a full-time job. (Son Quotes)
I enjoy doing fun things outdoors with my son to stay in shape. We like camping together. After a weekend in the woods, I’m sorer than after a week at the gym! (Son Quotes)
My boy and I move. We have this game where if we dress in a particular item of clothing, we have to do a different movement. A hat means 20 jumps - that sort of thing. When I put a scarf on, my son has to drop down and do push-ups, immediately. He thinks it’s really funny. (Son Quotes)
Son, if you really want something in this life, you have to work for it. Now quiet! They’re about to announce the lottery numbers. (Son Quotes)
My son, Arzhel, is two, and he eats vegetables twice a day. We have a vegetable garden on our farm in the Southwest, and he gets two baskets, one over each arm, and says, ‘Garden, Papa!’ and then he eats what he picks. (Son Quotes)
I’m not really much of a video game player; my son would be the expert in that department. The only game I would really play is golf, the Tiger Woods video game. (Son Quotes)
Some bloke came up to me in Tesco a couple of years ago at 11:30 pm and said: ‘Excuse me, would you mind telling my son here that you’re Uncle Vernon?’ I said: ‘Get a grip. It’s 11:30 at night - what’s he doing out of bed? I’m not here to entertain people at this time of night. (Son Quotes)
I do not get involved in the game to think that it is a future transition for me getting back into the ring. It was not my intention. I’ve stated many times that I did it for my son. (Son Quotes)
In my head, at least, the business of spinning stories has no closing time. Twists in my characters’ lives, glimpses of their secrets, obstacles to their dreams... all arrive unbidden when I’m getting cash at the ATM, walking my son to camp, singing a hymn at a wedding. (Son Quotes)
That strong mother doesn’t tell her cub, Son, stay weak so the wolves can get you. She says, Toughen up, this is reality we are living in. (Son Quotes)
Homeschooling has given us some wonderful flexibility and some great life experiences, especially with our son. (Son Quotes)
I’ve seen fathers criticizing their sons the moment a game’s over. Not my dad. It doesn’t matter if I threw an interception or a Hail Mary, he always says, ‘Good job, son, I’m proud of you.’ Then he shakes my hand and gives me a hug. Every time. (Son Quotes)
The Holy Ghost is the minister and messenger of the Father and the Son, and He testifies of both Their glorious, global reality and Their connection to us personally. (Son Quotes)
God and His Son are glorified personages. God the Father is our living Creator, and His Son, Jesus Christ, is our Savior and Redeemer. We have been created in God’s image. (Son Quotes)
To me, I think it’s this thing of everyone wanting to make Jesus the Son of God and Jesus the only way to God that is the thing that no longer makes me want to be a Christian. (Son Quotes)