Son Quotes

Text Quotes
It’s the greatest thing that ever happened in my life, my son (Son Quotes)
Having my son made me grow up. I’m keeping my dangers in the movies. (Son Quotes)
Your hope is not in a sun rise, but in a Son risen! (Son Quotes)
When I sent those scripts, that was the lowest point of my life. We'd just had our second son, and when I went to collect them from hospital, I went to the bank to try and get some money to buy some diapers, the screen showed I've got $26 left (Son Quotes)
You ask how it is possible to be your own father and son. You should seek answers, although it is better to anticipate some, to be the light and dream (Son Quotes)
There is a splendour in my name hidden and glorious, as the sun of midnight is ever the son (Son Quotes)
God is here when we are wholly unaware of it. He is manifest only when and as we are aware of His Presence. On our part there must be surrender to the Spirit of God, for His work it is to show us the Father and the Son. If we co-operate with Him in loving obedience God will manifest Himself to us, and that manifestation will be the difference between a nominal Christian life and a life radiant with the light of His face (Son Quotes)
The greatest encouragement throughout the Bible is God's love for His lost race and the willingness of Christ, the eternal Son, to show forth that love in God's plan of redemption. The love of Jesus is so inclusive that it knows no boundaries. At the point where we stop caring and loving, Jesus is still there loving and caring (Son Quotes)
When God plans to bless a man, he takes this poor time-cursed creature into His hand and says., My son, I breath into you eternity and immortality (Son Quotes)
There was something terrible, but also something sad and melancholy in this long cry uttered by the Russian infantry as they staged an attack. As it crossed the cold water, it lost its fervor. Instead of valor or gallantry, you could hear the sadness of a soul parting with everything that it loved, calling on its nearest and dearest to wake up, to lift their head from their pillows and hear for the last time the voice of a father, a husband, a son or a brother (Son Quotes)
A man can never have too much Time to himself, nor too little to do. Had I a little son, I would christen him Nothing-To-Do; he should do nothing. Man, I verily believe, is out of his element as long as he is operative. I am altogether for the life contemplative (Son Quotes)
In Gilead, the narrator's friend's son describes himself not as an atheist but in "state of categorical unbelief. " He says, "I don't even believe God doesn't exist, if you see what I mean. " I pointed this passage out to Mom and said it closely matched my own views - I just didn't think about religion (Son Quotes)
And did the biblical Lazarus have a mother? What did she do when he was resurrected? Did he bid her good-bye before he returned to his undeath? Was he the same son to her undead as he was alive? I read that he sailed to Marseilles with his sisters afterward, where he may or may not have died again (Son Quotes)
Give me a night by the fire, with a book in my hand, not that flickering rectangular son of a bitch that sits screaming in every living room in the land (Son Quotes)
We ate simply, we were healthy, and we were uninterested in those things that should be called possessions not because they are possessed but because they possess. Those ten years were the happiest of my life save the first ten, the years in which I had neither position nor success, and no one took notice of me. Those were the years of the parent holding the child in his arms, lifting him high in the air, and pulling him close. As I held my own son, when he was a baby, God was right there (Son Quotes)
Henry James once defined life as that predicament which precedes death, and certainly nobody owes you a debt of honor or gratitude for getting him into that predicament. But a child does owe his father a debt, if Dad, having gotten him into this peck of trouble, takes off his coat and buckles down to the job of showing his son how best to crash through it (Son Quotes)
A son or daughter in any human family is either born to or adopted by the parents. By definition, a child can't be both. But with God we're both born of Him and adopted by Him (Son Quotes)
The Bible says that to those who receive him, he gives the power to become sons of God. That’s what Jesus is-the Son of God. When we become sons of God, we have what Jesus has: a relationship with God, eternal life, and because Jesus paid our penalty, we also have forgiveness for our sins (Son Quotes)
Spiritual birth,” Hewbright added. “Let’s call it what it was. Being born again through a faith in Jesus Christ. Believing that His death on the cross accomplished forgiveness of my sins. And that His rising from the grave three days later proved He was truly the Son of God, who came to bring eternal life to everyone who calls on His name (Son Quotes)
God only has one Son whom He gave for all—so He and He alone must be the object of worship and the means of forgiveness from sin. The new, twisted, Emergent theology is not only heresy; it is false! Jesus could say He is the (only) way to eternal life—because He is the only way! (Son Quotes)
Isaiah 9:6, “For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace (Son Quotes)
Thinking as I do that the creator of this world is a very cruel being and being a worshipper of christ, I cannot help saying: the son, o how unlike the father! First God almighty comes with a thump on the head. Then Jesus Christ comes with a balm to heal it (Son Quotes)
[of Charlie chaplin:] the son of a bitch is a ballet dancer.... He's the best Cballet dancer that ever lived... And if I get a good chance I'll kill him with my bare hands (Son Quotes)
Nothing like one honest look, one honest thought of Christ upon his cross. That tells us how much he has been through, how much he endured, how much he conquered, how much God loved us, who spared not his only begotten son, but freely gave him for us. Dare we doubt such a God? Dare we murmur against such a God? (Son Quotes)
My son Track...He's gonna be deployed in September to Iraq. Pray... For this country, that our leaders... Are sending out on a task that is from God. That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God's plan (Son Quotes)
My parents never smiled... Because I had brain damage. My wife and I don't smile because our children are LOADED with it!! Oh, my parents smile now, whenever they come over to the house and see how much trouble I'm having. Oh, they have a ball! Havin' a li'l trouble, huh, son?! (Son Quotes)
The father who raises a son to have a profession he once dreamed of, and the mother who uses her daughter as the adult companion her husband is not; the parents who urge their children into accomplishments as status symbols - all these and many more are ways of subordinating a child's authentic self to a parent's needs (Son Quotes)
For it is the suffering flesh, it is suffering, it is death, that lovers perpetuate upon the Earth. Love is at once the brother, son, and father of death, which is its sister, mother, and daughter. And thus it is that in the depth of love there is a depth of eternal despair, out of which spring hope and consolation (Son Quotes)
If you feel proud, let it be in the thought that you are the servant of God, the son of God. Great men have the nature of a child. They are always a child before Him; so they are free from pride. All their strength is of God and not their own. It belongs to Him and comes from Him (Son Quotes)
Bondage is of the mind; freedom too is of the mind. If you say 'I am a free soul. I am a son of God who can bind me' free you shall be (Son Quotes)