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Songwriter Quotes

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It’s much easier to work on other people’s music and play in other people’s bands as a guitar player instead of being the main songwriter and singer. That’s a really big job to do that  (Songwriter Quotes) Well, my main instrument is violin, but I think of myself as a songwriter who happens to play violin  (Songwriter Quotes) I’ve always wanted to be a songwriter and a storyteller and somebody who conveys a feeling to the listener or the viewer  (Songwriter Quotes) I realized that I wanted to get better in every way. As a person, as a friend, as a songwriter, as a musician, as an artist, record producer, you name it  (Songwriter Quotes) As a songwriter, you might write every day and throughout the course of a year you might get four songs that are really special  (Songwriter Quotes) I’ll be the songwriter for pop stars and then they can be the front person and I don’t have to be famous  (Songwriter Quotes) I’m a songwriter, and people will tell you the greatest stories about their lives, whether you want to hear it or not  (Songwriter Quotes) My main goal as a songwriter is to make something that inspires people. To write things about my life that people can relate to. Whether it’s a whole record or just one song for someone, I hope it can do that for them. Knowing that I have the ability to do that is inspiring to me  (Songwriter Quotes) When I go on the road now, which is less than before, but still more than I’d like to, I think of myself primarily as a singer. Not a songwriter, not a celebrity, just a man who likes to sing  (Songwriter Quotes) I’m a songwriter; that’s where it starts. I love writing with someone that shares that same feeling of accomplishment. I’ll play music for my fans as long as they’ll listen, but I fancy myself as a writer first  (Songwriter Quotes) I’m better at producing than I am at being a songwriter, but it doesn’t change the fact that I still have a desire to play and write songs. I’ve never wanted to be a career musician. But I still love to play and write. It’s a big part of who I am  (Songwriter Quotes) It was really hard to find people to come over and play guitar and sing and write songs together. So that turned me into a songwriter that way, just so I could be able to play with other people  (Songwriter Quotes) Music is my personal addiction. So much of everything I’ve done has only been to open more doors for the music itself. It all gets back to the fact that I am, first of all, a songwriter and a singer  (Songwriter Quotes) I think to be a good songwriter, you have to be able to play an instrument  (Songwriter Quotes) I’m the only girl songwriter that fights for a lot of things. I fight for songwriting fees, which record labels want you to shut up about  (Songwriter Quotes) The majority of people know me as a dancer, but they don’t also know that I’m a director, a songwriter and a producer  (Songwriter Quotes) As a songwriter there’s nothing more exciting than the unknown, the new and different  (Songwriter Quotes) The roughest part for me when I’m writing a song is staring at a blank page. Where am I going from here? If you’re a songwriter, you have to do that every time you start a song  (Songwriter Quotes) I think of myself as a songwriter, a weaver of story and imagination in a way that a novelist might write a book  (Songwriter Quotes) As a singer and songwriter, I have great admiration for many of the budding stars who come to try their hand at performing and can relate to the hopes and aspirations of all the contestants, no matter how good or bad  (Songwriter Quotes) I feel I want to grow as an actress and be better. I want to progress as a singer and songwriter, and produce movies and everything. So there’ll be no time when I feel I’ve done it all  (Songwriter Quotes) I know I’m not the best. I’m not the best singer, I’m not the best songwriter, I’m not the best player  (Songwriter Quotes) I don’t want to live in an ivory tower, being the songwriter who just turns inward  (Songwriter Quotes) No matter how long what I’m doing here lasts, I want to be a songwriter for the rest of my life. I love it and it’s my escape  (Songwriter Quotes) I wanted to be a blues guitar player. And a singer. And a songwriter. Not a shock jock  (Songwriter Quotes) One of my goals from really early on was that if I was ever fortunate enough to be successful in music, I would want to stay the same person and the same songwriter  (Songwriter Quotes) I started being a songwriter pretending I could do it, and it turned out I could  (Songwriter Quotes) As a musician and a songwriter, it is an act of the ego to believe that other people might be interested in your point of view. But it is usually an empathetic nature that gets you going in the first place. Music keeps the heart porous in many ways  (Songwriter Quotes) I’m not a virtuoso on an instrument. You know, I’m not always singing in pitch. I laugh sometimes my way through the shows, but I’m an honest songwriter who’s always tried to bring the audience with me on my journey in hopes that they see their own lives reflected in the work  (Songwriter Quotes) He made you feel like you knew him. I think that honestly, 2pac was the greatest songwriter that ever lived. He made it seem so easy. The emotion was there, and feeling, and everything he was trying to describe. You saw a picture that he was trying to paint  (Songwriter Quotes)
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