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Sookie Quotes

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Sookie, my little bullet-sucker Eric, my big bullshitter  (Sookie Quotes) Sookie is about as radically different from me and a lot of the work I’ve previously done as you could possibly come up with  (Sookie Quotes) Sookie is always in distress, it wouldn’t be ‘True Blood’ if someone wasn’t trying to kill her  (Sookie Quotes) Sookie, what have we done? And to whom? I killed a chicken. And I cooked it. Sookie, Sookie. My bullshit meter is reading that as a false. -Eric Northman, Sookie Stackhouse  (Sookie Quotes) You trust me? Eric sounded surprised. Yes. That’s . . . crazy, Sookie.  (Sookie Quotes) But I also knew that if he turned away from me at this moment, somehow I would survive that, and I would find a way to flourish like the yard that still bloomed and grew around my family home.I’m Sookie Stackhouse. I belong here.  (Sookie Quotes)