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She had a heart - how shall I say? Too soon made glad, too easily impressed; she liked whatever she looked on, and her looks went everywhere  (Soon Quotes) If I stoop Into a dark tremendous sea of cloud, it is but for a time; I press God's lamp close to my breast; its splendor soon or late will pierce the gloom; I shall emerge one day  (Soon Quotes) Books were my pass to personal freedom. I learned to read at age three, and soon discovered there was a whole world to conquer that went beyond our farm in Mississippi  (Soon Quotes) For the music to be over so soon. For the music to be over when it had just begun. That was really sad  (Soon Quotes) It is better to look suffering straight in the eye, acknowledge and respect it's presence, and then get busy as soon as possible focusing on things we choose to focus on  (Soon Quotes) The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labor and sorrow; for it soon cut off, and we fly away  (Soon Quotes) There must be reasons why we men are so hipped on breasts as if we'd all been weaned too soon  (Soon Quotes) A truly good book teaches me better than to read it. I must soon lay it down, and commence living on its hint. What I began by reading, I must finish by acting  (Soon Quotes) Fame is the shade of immortality, and in itself a shadow. Soon as caught, contemn'd; it shrinks to nothing in the grasp  (Soon Quotes) Man wants but little, nor that little long; how soon must he resign his very dust, which frugal nature lent him for an hour!  (Soon Quotes) If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say? And why are you waiting?  (Soon Quotes) If honor be your clothing, the suit will last a lifetime; but if clothing be your honor, it will soon be worn threadbare  (Soon Quotes) Reason progressive, instinct is complete; swift instinct leaps; slow reason feebly climbs. Brutes soon their zenith reach. In ages they no more could know, do, covet or enjoy  (Soon Quotes) I held it together for the rest of the drive home but as soon as Kelsey dropped me off I flopped face down on the couch and sobbed like a reality TV star on confessional day  (Soon Quotes) History shows that male homosexuality, which like prostitution flourishes with urbanization and soon becomes predictably ritualized, always tends toward decadence  (Soon Quotes) In almost every marriage there is a selfish and an unselfish partner. A pattern is set up and soon becomes inflexible, of one person always making the demands and one person always giving way  (Soon Quotes) As soon as any idea is a consolation the tendency to falsify it becomes strong: hence the traditional problem of preventing the idea of God from degenerating in the believer's mind  (Soon Quotes) Because if you don't accept excuses, pretty soon people stop giving them, and they start looking for solutions. And that is a critical issue when it comes to success  (Soon Quotes) The soul is the body's vanity and pleasure as long as the body's in good health, but it's also the urge to escape from the body as soon as the body is sick or things go badly  (Soon Quotes) Anyone that's ever had their kitchen done over knows that it never never gets done as soon as you wish it would  (Soon Quotes) Take away from English authors their copyrights, and you would very soon take away from England her authors  (Soon Quotes) The anger of a meek man is like fire struck out of steel, hard to be got out, and when it is, soon gone  (Soon Quotes) As soon as I read that, it clicked: that's my theater of war. It was exciting to think that I could write about World War Two from a totally new place  (Soon Quotes) My dad gave me my first bike at 16. I soon fell off and was in a wheelchair for weeks. I haven't fallen since  (Soon Quotes) Don't get sidetracked. If you do get sidetracked, get back on track as soon as possible. Ultimately sidetracking kills you  (Soon Quotes) He has a way of walking through conventions of that kind as if they did not exist, and being so much himself that pretty soon people begin adapting themselves to him  (Soon Quotes) As I took up life as a minister, I tried to understand why so many people resisted and rejected God, I soon realized that perhaps that main reason was affliction and suffering  (Soon Quotes) Laws that only threaten, and are not kept, become like the log that was given to the frogs to be their king, which they feared at first, but soon scorned and trampled on  (Soon Quotes) Pain observed is journalistic pain. It's diplomatic pain. It's television pain, over as soon as you switch off your beastly set  (Soon Quotes) You can't learn too soon that the most useful thing about a principle is that it can always be sacrificed to expediency  (Soon Quotes)
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