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The first object which saluted my eyes when I arrived on the coast was the sea, and a slave ship, which was then riding at anchor, and waiting for its cargo. These filled me with astonishment, which was soon connected with terror, when I was carried on board. I was immediately handled, and tossed up to see if I were sound, by some of the crew; and I was now persuaded that I had gotten into a world of bad spirits, and that they were going to kill me  (Soon Quotes) I am a homophobe, though a mild and tolerant one, and a racist, though an even more mild and tolerant one, and those things are going to be illegal pretty soon, the way we are going  (Soon Quotes) I know if I missed a day and nothing happened, then it would be much easier to miss another day. Pretty soon I wouldn’t have much of a schedule, and then I’d have less motivation. It’s a downward spiral that I want to avoid, so I keep the schedule sacred  (Soon Quotes) My father passed on one important piece of relationship advice before he died. He said son, in a relationship you can either be right or you can be happy. You’ll soon find out that you don’t care that much about being right  (Soon Quotes) A journey does not need reasons. Before long, it proves to be reason enough in itself. One thinks that one is going to make a journey, yet soon it is the journey that makes or unmakes you  (Soon Quotes) As I loosen my grip on the past, as I keep taking one small step after another in the direction I want to go, I discover I’m being supported and guided after all, and that as soon as I’m willing to embrace change, something or someone comes along and shows me how. Magic wasn’t something I had to go in search of; it was here within me, all the time. When hearts are open, when love is flowing, magic happens  (Soon Quotes) As soon as someone I don’t respect tells me I can’t do something, it just makes me want to do it even more  (Soon Quotes) I can’t even take a stroll through a park. As soon as women see my face they start gathering up their children and running for home  (Soon Quotes) Fearlessness is a fool’s boast, to my mind. The only men with no fear in them are dead, or the soon to be dead, maybe. Fear teaches you caution, and respect for your enemy, and to avoid sharp edges used in anger. All good things in their place, believe me. Fear can bring you out alive, and that’s the very best anyone can hope for from any fight. Every man who’s worth a damn feels fear. It’s the use you make of it that counts  (Soon Quotes) Give away your love, freely and without expectation. Give it away, and soon your life will be filled with love, and you will have set others on the path of love and peace  (Soon Quotes) At night my father often heard sporadic gunfire mixed in with the sound of dogs howling. If the war came closer, soon there would be only minor difference between shooting a dog and shooting a man  (Soon Quotes) Americans were convinced in their own minds that they were very miserable, and those who think so are so. There is nothing so easy as to persuade people that they are badly governed. Take happy and comfortable people and talk to them with the art of the evil one, and they can soon be made discontented with their government, their rulers, with everything around them, and even with themselves  (Soon Quotes) One cannot too soon forget his errors and misdemeanors. To dwell long upon them is to add to the offense  (Soon Quotes) Great are the stars, and man is of no account to them. But man is a fair spirit, whom a star conceived and a star kills. He is greater than those bright blind companies. For though in them there is incalculable potentiality, in him there is achievement, small, but actual. Too soon, seemingly, he comes to his end. But when he is done he will not be nothing, not as though he had never been; for he is eternally a beauty in the eternal form of things  (Soon Quotes) Another of the hard things about being in a war, grandchildren, is that although there are times of quiet when the fighting has stopped, you know you will soon be fighting again. Those quiet times give you the chance to think about what has happened. Some of it you would rather not think about, as you remember the pain and the sorrow. You also have time to worry about what will happen when you go into battle again  (Soon Quotes) He who travels much has this advantage over others – that the things he remembers soon become remote, so that in a short time they acquire the vague and poetical quality which is only given to other things by time. He who has not traveled at all has this disadvantage – that all his memories are of things present somewhere, since the places with which all his memories are concerned are present  (Soon Quotes) Our prayers are granted as soon as we have prayed, even though the process of fulfilling our requests has not yet begun  (Soon Quotes) If you put down a good, solid foundation and build one room after another, pretty soon you have a house. You build in your speedwork, your pace and increase your ability to run races and think races out. Then it’s possible to run the way we do  (Soon Quotes) We are bound to expire. Even metal which is sturdiest, rusts. Even oxygen, the breath of life, soon transpires  (Soon Quotes) We know our lands have now become more valuable. The white people think we do not know their value; but we know that the land is everlasting, and the few goods we receive for it are soon worn out and gone  (Soon Quotes) As soon as you understand 2 x 4 you can’t believe there was a time when you didn’t understand it  (Soon Quotes) As soon as you willfully allow a dialogue with temptation to begin, the soul is robbed of peace, just as consent to impurity destroys grace  (Soon Quotes) When I take my last breath, will there be a wish that I had more stuff? I’ll wish for only one thing, I think. That I loved better. That I had been better at loving and not being distracted by stuff or accomplishment. This life is so short and it will soon be over. What will we use it for?  (Soon Quotes) As soon as we finished filming, I felt like I had been woken up from a magical dream and had to pinch myself to remember that it was real. Every scene is now a blur. I feel like I will be watching it for the first time with the rest of the world. I am nervous. But excited  (Soon Quotes) Under socialism all will govern in turn and will soon become accustomed to no one governing  (Soon Quotes) Some day your head won’t find my lap so easily. Trust is a habit you’ll soon break  (Soon Quotes) Don’t you think every face tells its own story? Like a book? More like a poem. If you study it long enough, you’ll soon find its meaning  (Soon Quotes) As soon as everyone is on the bandwagon with one idea, a leader should be working on the next one  (Soon Quotes) An organization that treats its programmers as morons will soon have programmers that are willing and able to act like morons only  (Soon Quotes) Where did I surrender, can you tell me how and when. I’m the one who’s always in control. Leading with my heart like there is nothing to defend as I lay it all out on the line body and soul. I’ve never let another in so soon  (Soon Quotes)
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