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I fear waking up one morning and finding out my life was all for nothing. We’re here for a reason. I believe a bit of the reason is to throw little torches out to lead people through the dark. When you’re kind to someone in trouble, you hope they remember and are kind to someone else and so on. Soon it will be like a wildfire  (Soon Quotes) Barbara said she knew it was in as soon as she shot it. She’s told me a lot of lies over the last four years, but that was the biggest one I’ve ever heard  (Soon Quotes) It’s so important to believe in yourself. Believe that you can do it, under any circumstances. Because if you believe you can, then you really will. That belief just keeps you searching for the answers, and then pretty soon you get it  (Soon Quotes) As far as the writing goes, I started telling stories as soon as I could talk, and started writing them down as soon as I could string words together  (Soon Quotes) As soon as you open your mind to doing things differently, the doors of opportunity practically fly off their hinges  (Soon Quotes) Good information architecture enables people to find and do what they came for. Great information architecture takes find out of the equation: the site behaves as the visitor expects. Poor or missing information architecture neuters content, design, and programming and devalues the site for its owners as well as the audience it was created to serve. It’s like a film with no director. The actors may be good, the sets may be lovely, but audiences will leave soon after the opening credits  (Soon Quotes) Very odd, old age. Always knew it would happen, if I was lucky. I just didn’t expect it so soon  (Soon Quotes) I have learned, as has many another better writer, to summon inspiration to my call as soon as I begin my day’s stint, and not to hang around waiting for it. Inspiration is merely a pretty phrase for the zest to work. And it can be cultivated by anyone who has the patience to try. Inspiration that will not come at its possessor’s summons is like a dog that cannot be trained to obey. The sooner both are gotten rid of, the better  (Soon Quotes) As soon as you choose to fight with violence you’re choosing to fight against your opponents best weapons and you have to be smarter than that  (Soon Quotes) Death releases the energy into air. If a true catastrophe is looming, the disturbance becomes such that a sensitive individual may become highly troubled by it. He may be aware exactly when and where it will occur. He may see an aura around people who are soon to die. Or he may see images of the disaster beforehand  (Soon Quotes) I’ve had many more thousands of books in my possession than my shelves at home would indicate. At one time, I tried to keep them all, but that quest soon became impossible; I now only keep the ones I’m sure I’m going to reread, the ones I’m definitely going to read before I die, and the ones I can’t bear to part with because of an aesthetic or emotional attachment  (Soon Quotes) A silkworm was struggling out of the cocoon and an ignorant man saw it battling as if in pain, so he went and helped it to get free, but very soon after it fluttered and died. The other silkworms that struggled out without help suffered, but they came out into full life and beauty, with wings made strong for flight by their battle for fresh existence  (Soon Quotes) Be patient. Life will offer you another chance as soon as you find calm within, for abundance is born out of calmness  (Soon Quotes) God grant... that he may learn to understand in time, that whoso is minded to do as he himself wills will soon enough see the day when he will find he has done that which he had never willed  (Soon Quotes) God has set before you an open door which no man has a right or power to shut. If you should be shut out, it will be by your own unbelief, and not for want of a warrant to come. Enter, then, without delay or hesitation. None can less afford to delay than the aged sinner. Now is the time. Now or never. You have, as it were, one foot already in the grave. Your opportunities will soon be over. Strive, then, I entreat you, to enter in at the strait gate  (Soon Quotes) So what if you end up buying a size 6 instead of a 4? You can always cut out the label at home, and you’ll pretty soon forget whatever that number was because you’ll be too busy admiring how fantastic you look  (Soon Quotes) A land full of places that are not worth caring about may soon be a nation and a way of life that is not worth defending  (Soon Quotes) The loss of liberty in general would soon follow the suppression of the liberty of the press; for it is an essential branch of liberty, so perhaps it is the best preservative of the whole  (Soon Quotes) As soon as we put something into words, we devalue it in a strange way. We think we have plunged into the depths of the abyss, and when we return to the surface the drop of water on our pale fingertips no longer resembles the sea from which it comes. We delude ourselves that we have discovered a wonderful treasure trove, and when we return to the light of day we find that we have brought back only false stones and shards of glass; and yet the treasure goes on glimmering in the dark, unaltered  (Soon Quotes) Truth walks toward us on the paths of our questions. As soon as you think you have the answer, you have closed the path and may miss the vital new information. Wait awhile in the stillness, and do not rush to conclusions, no matter how uncomfortable the unknowing  (Soon Quotes) Filmmakers began to experiment with special effects almost as soon as motion pictures were invented. The history of special effects is the history of motion pictures  (Soon Quotes) Giving the cat a name, like marriage, is not an easy thing. Soon I experienced the selection of name for a baby, a dog, a book, a warship, a sports team, even the king, the pope or a hurricane is just child’s play compared to the selection of the cat’s name  (Soon Quotes) Don’t have sex man. It leads to kissing and pretty soon you have to start talking to them  (Soon Quotes) Being thankful is also the law of increase. What we give thanks for is automatically multiplied. If we have only a dime and give thanks for it, it will soon be increased. If we resent our position and dwell upon what we lack, that is exactly what we get back  (Soon Quotes) We shall begin by launching the most spectacular peace movement on record. There will be electrifying overtures and unheard of concessions. The capitalist countries, stupid and decadent, will rejoice to cooperate in their own destruction. They will leap at another chance to be friends. As soon as their guard is down, we will smash them with our clenched fist  (Soon Quotes) The only way we can develop muscle is through regular exercise. As soon as we stop stretching and working toward higher ethics, our standards start to sag. The muscle gets soft, and instead of excellence we have to settle for mediocrity. Maybe something even worse  (Soon Quotes) If you study the classic examples of endgame play you will see how the king was brought up as soon as possible even though there seemed no particular hurry at the time  (Soon Quotes) Onstage, nothing is as important as truth, nothing. As soon as you lie, they know it  (Soon Quotes) Don’t let a single comic moment pass you by; then help the audience get the laughs. Give them permission to laugh by holding for laughter and by letting them know early on what they’re in for. In the first few moments, the audience is gathering information, looking at the scenery and costumes. Create a comic moment as soon as you can  (Soon Quotes) Often you will find the opposite situation. The author seems to have interesting ideas, but he is not able to illustrate them with decent examples. If a grandmaster is commenting on one of his own games, then there is usually not any problem: his general thoughts are closely tied up with what is happening on the board. But as soon as he starts writing an article or book on a different theme the difficulties begin, as he may not have suitable material to hand  (Soon Quotes)
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