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Let’s not kid ourselves here, robots already run most of our world. We’ll be their butlers soon enough  (Soon Quotes) I figured I needed a gimmick, so I dreamed up this drawl, the squint and a way of moving meant to suggest that I wasn’t looking for trouble but would just as soon throw a bottle at your head as not. I practiced in front of a mirror  (Soon Quotes) I will get married soon. It is in the pipeline. I believe in the institution of marriage  (Soon Quotes) I could no longer afford to be jealous or unfriendly, because, as soon as I was, a bandage came down over my eyes, and I was bound hand and foot and cast aside. All at once a black hole opened, and I was helpless inside it. But when I was happy and serene, approached people with confidence and thought well of them, I was rewarded with light  (Soon Quotes) As soon as effective listening takes place, the ear identifies what needs to be done and guides the techniques search for a solution  (Soon Quotes) Bureaucracies are designed to perform public business. But as soon as a bureaucracy is established, it develops an autonomous spiritual life and comes to regard the public as its enemy  (Soon Quotes) Go through detailed variations in your own time, think in a general way about the position in the opponent’s time and you will soon find that you get into time trouble less often, that your games have more content to them, and that their general standard rises  (Soon Quotes) Play, intrinsically rewarding, doesn’t cost anything; as soon as you put a price on it, it becomes, to some extent, not play  (Soon Quotes) He who resolves never to ransack any mind but his own, will be soon reduced, from mere barrenness, to the poorest of all imitations; he will be obliged to imitate himself, and to repeat what he has before often repeated  (Soon Quotes) It is not too farfetched that soon it will be possible for a physician to send the electrocardiogram and the heart sound via communication satellite to a distant heart specialist for diagnosis and consultation  (Soon Quotes) A lot of animal experiments consider only commercial interests. We want to ban all animal experiments as soon as possible  (Soon Quotes) Gauss replied, when asked how soon he expected to reach certain mathematical conclusions, that he had them long ago, all he was worrying about was how to reach them!  (Soon Quotes) Strange that mankind should ever have used the mushroom. All the various species of this substance are of a leathery consistence, and contain but little nutriment. The condiments or seasonings which are added are what are chiefly prized. Without these, we should almost as soon eat saw dust as mushrooms  (Soon Quotes) When you’re hiding behind a character all the time, as soon as you have to be yourself, you feel kind of terrified  (Soon Quotes) I would follow my mother around the kitchen watching and trying to find any way to help. One of the first dishes my mother taught me to make was hollandaise sauce. Though she always served it with broccoli, I soon realized it was equally delicious with asparagus, artichokes, or any other vegetable  (Soon Quotes) The nature of the cosmos is such that whatever vision you have about yourself and the world will become reality. As soon as you awaken to the power you have, you begin to flex the muscles of your courage  (Soon Quotes) Wars become history all too soon and are forgotten all too soon as well, before the lessons can be learned  (Soon Quotes) There’s not much to be said about the period except that most writers don’t reach it soon enough  (Soon Quotes) We get something to do and as soon as we’ve got it, it gets us  (Soon Quotes) Some people think that as soon as you plant a tree, it must bear fruit. We must allow it to grow a bit  (Soon Quotes) Not only in geometry, but to a still more astonishing degree in physics, has it become more and more evident that as soon as we have succeeded in unraveling fully the natural laws which govern reality, we find them to be expressible by mathematical relations of surprising simplicity and architectonic perfection. It seems to me to be one of the chief objects of mathematical instruction to develop the faculty of perceiving this simplicity and harmony  (Soon Quotes) One of the remarks made by farmers at their public discussion of these problems suggest that they are rapidly ceasing to think of animals as sentient beings at all. If you handle vast numbers of creatures which are in any case going to die soon, it is, I suppose, easy to get into a state of mind in which they seem to be merely machines  (Soon Quotes) Focus on your dream and never quit. It is always too soon to quit. If you quit, you can’t succeed. By achieving your dream you will be an inspiration to others. You will set the example and make an enormous impact on the world  (Soon Quotes) There was a time when I dreamed of sex, and then I dreamed of drugs. Soon I will be dreaming light  (Soon Quotes) My heart is closed, soon it will crumble away. Stifling my tears, I scream every day. My heart has shown me that believing is nothing. My own heart killed me  (Soon Quotes) When men no longer have the least fear of saying something untrue, they very soon have no fear whatsoever of doing something unjust  (Soon Quotes) He who is allowed to do as he likes will soon run his head into a brick wall out of sheer frustration  (Soon Quotes) I could cut silhouettes almost as soon as I could manage to hold a pair of scissors. I could paint, too, and read, and recite; but these things did not surprise anyone very much. But everybody was astonished about the scissor cuts, which seemed a more unusual accomplishment. The silhouettes were very much praised, and I cut out silhouettes for all the birthdays in the family. Did anyone warn me as to where this path would lead? Not in the least; I was encouraged to continue  (Soon Quotes) You can’t sing with a closed heart. You just can’t do it. And if you try, as soon as you start singing, your heart just naturally opens more and more  (Soon Quotes) We soon cease to feel the grief at the deaths of our friends, yet we continue to the end of our lives to miss them. They are still with us in their absence  (Soon Quotes)
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