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The cumulative power of doing things the same way every day seems to be a way of saying to the mind: You’re going to be dreaming soon  (Soon Quotes) When the only bond between close friends is attachment, then even a minor issue may cause one’s projections to change. As soon as our projections change, the attachment disappears, because that attachment was based solely on projection and expectation. It is possible to have compassion without attachment, and similarly, to have anger without hatred  (Soon Quotes) An artist must be very careful not to look for models. As soon as one artist takes another as model, he is lost. There is no other point of departure than reality  (Soon Quotes) When I am working on a book or a story I write every morning as soon after the first light as possible. There is no one to disturb you and it is cold and you warm as you write  (Soon Quotes) The outfit soon took on color, dash and a unique flavor which is the essence of that elusive and deathless thing called soldiering  (Soon Quotes) You don’t feel a thing. There’s just something missing. And once it gets hold of you, something more is missing every day. Soon there won’t be anything left of us  (Soon Quotes) Perhaps I might be satisfied, momentarily, with a work finished at one sitting, but I would soon get bored looking at it; therefore, I prefer to continue working on it so that later I may recognize it as a work of my mind  (Soon Quotes) From the moment I start a new novel, life’s just one endless torture. The first few chapters may go fairly well and I may feel there’s still a chance to prove my worth, but that feeling soon disappears and every day I feel less and less satisfied  (Soon Quotes) Now then, you of noble mind, who love this profession, come at once to art and accept these precepts: enthusiasm, reverence, obedience, and perseverance. As soon as you can, place yourself under the guidance of a master, and remain with him as long as possible  (Soon Quotes) Yes, it is true that there are times when you do wonder if things are worth it but usually those moments pass as soon as they have come  (Soon Quotes) The painter’s only solid ground is the palette and colors, but as soon as the colors achieve an illusion, they are no longer judged  (Soon Quotes) If you consider only utility, the things you build will soon be useless... nobody wants to be in it  (Soon Quotes) The biggest bursts of speciation that we know about in the history of the earth are soon after great cataclysms, like the extinction of the dinosaurs, which create new opportunities, and all sorts of new forms spring up... So, quite often, the reasons for creativity depend on accidents or disasters that prevent the normal habits being carried out  (Soon Quotes) When you turn the discussion onto talk of religion, you will soon start to reveal a whole range of views ranging from the ardent supporter to the ardent atheist  (Soon Quotes) You got a lot but you just waste all yourself. They’ll forget your name soon and won’t nobody be to blame but yourself  (Soon Quotes) I feel myself driven towards an end that I do not know. As soon as I shall have reached it, as soon as I shall become unnecessary, an atom will suffice to shatter me. Till then, not all the forces of mankind can do anything against me  (Soon Quotes) Men soon get tired of shedding their blood for the advantage of a few individuals, who think they amply reward the soldiers perils with the treasures they amass  (Soon Quotes) When you are afraid, do the thing you are afraid of and soon you will lose your fear of it  (Soon Quotes) A people without children would face a hopeless future; a country without trees is almost as helpless; forests which are so used that they cannot renew themselves will soon vanish, and with them all their benefits. A true forest is not merely a storehouse full of wood, but, as it were, a factory of wood and at the same time a reservoir of water. When you help to preserve our forests or plant new ones you are acting the part of good citizens  (Soon Quotes) Become conscious of what you think during the day. A negative thought will enter you. At first it will be vague, innocuous, but then it will root in your consciousness and soon it will be impossible to eradicate  (Soon Quotes) I think comedy has to be an intellectual pursuit. It comes down to logic and analysis. As soon as it becomes emotional, it’s not comedy anymore  (Soon Quotes) My first instrument was actually the trombone, but that didn’t last long. Soon I was playing guitar in bands from the time I was 11 or 12  (Soon Quotes) I do write. I actually do want to start my music as well. My sister and I are starting a band. I’ve been playing a guitar for nine years, and she plays piano, and we sing together. We’re going to start up something soon. I mostly am writing songs right now actually, but I would love to write a script someday  (Soon Quotes) There’s no downside to traveling the world and making money. I’m doing something I love. A lot of people have sucky jobs, but I have a good one, and I’m not trying to lose it any time soon  (Soon Quotes) I desire to go through life knowing as little of evil in it as possible. To this end, I sometimes avoid looking too closely into the nature of things, studying them only so far as they seem to be good, and abandoning interest in them as soon as their darker feature begin to appear. The good only deserves a hearty interest  (Soon Quotes) A little time, and thou shalt close thy eyes; and him who has attended thee to thy grave, another soon will lament  (Soon Quotes) With its claims to profundity, boldness and originality, thinking still limits itself provisionally to the exclusively rational and scientific.... As soon as it lays hold of the feelings, it becomes spirit  (Soon Quotes) If you aren’t telling a good story, nobody thinks you died too soon; they just think you died  (Soon Quotes) Liberty of thought soon shrivels without freedom of expression. Nor can truth be pursued in an atmosphere hostile to the endeavor or under dangers which are hazarded only by heroes  (Soon Quotes) I’m a child myself, in the sense that I’m still looking. Children are fascinated by black holes and ask me questions. I find they soon get the idea if it is explained in nontechnical language  (Soon Quotes)
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