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But, as soon as speculators become an important influence in the market, their business is to speculate on each others behaviour  (Soon Quotes) As soon as we abandon our own reason, and are content to rely upon authority, there is no end to our troubles. P. 108  (Soon Quotes) An organisation that treats its programmers as morons will soon have programmers that are willing and able to act like morons only  (Soon Quotes) As soon as the higher ideal is put before us, all false ideals will fade away as the stars fade away when they meet the sun  (Soon Quotes) You not sell your talent, your genius; as soon as you do, you are a prostitute. You sell your work, but not your soul  (Soon Quotes) However, there is no assurance that we can produce world class players so soon. Only time can tell  (Soon Quotes) I’m not done with acting but do find my hands full with my current responsibilities. Soon, sometime soon  (Soon Quotes) Signs of fatigue soon manifested themselves more and more strongly, and slowly the men dropped out one by one, from sheer exhaustion. No murmur of complaint, however, would be heard  (Soon Quotes) The Amulet of Samarkand. It was Simon Lovelace’s. Now it is yours. Soon it will be Simon Lovelace’s again. Take it and enjoy the consequences  (Soon Quotes) As soon as I became proactive in producing my own stuff, I started getting other roles  (Soon Quotes) You can have a bad day, but as soon as you set foot on that stage it’s joyous  (Soon Quotes) The fact that I’ve achieved this so soon is just a bonus, I guess. Everything from now on is a bonus for me  (Soon Quotes) Right now women are using surrogates because they can’t be pregnant. What worries me is the possibility that soon they’ll use surrogates because they don’t want to be pregnant  (Soon Quotes) I hope somebody hits. 400 soon. Then people can start pestering that guy with questions about the last guy to hit. 400  (Soon Quotes) As soon as I saw, we both hugged and talked and forgave each other. I think we became truer friends, better than we were before the fight  (Soon Quotes) Be open to your dreams, people. Embrace that distant shore. Because our mortal journey is over all too soon  (Soon Quotes) How soon was it that the dead are brought to deity in the eyes of those who in life found them little regard  (Soon Quotes) I’m worried that the universe will soon need replacing. It’s not holding a charge  (Soon Quotes) Once you have listened to the gossip for some time, you will soon feel as if you know everyone, even if you have never met them  (Soon Quotes) Please write again soon. Though my own life is filled with activity, letters encourage momentary escape into others lives and I come back to my own with greater contentment  (Soon Quotes) If you jot down every silly thought that pops into your mind, you will soon find out everything you most seriously believe  (Soon Quotes) In the absence of a magnetic field the period of all these oscillations is the same. But as soon as the electron is exposed to the effect of a magnetic field, its motion changes  (Soon Quotes) Were you with these, my prince, you’d soon forget the pale, unripened beauties of the north  (Soon Quotes) Lovers walk in the noontime by that fountain. Pigeons dip their beaks to drink from the water. And soon the pond must freeze  (Soon Quotes) I don’t think it’s very easy to make friends with musicians. We’re all a bit paranoid. It soon becomes very heavy  (Soon Quotes) As soon as I get an idea, I write a short story, or I start a novel, or I do a poem. So I have no need for a notebook  (Soon Quotes) They are like persons met upon a journey; I think them very agreeable at first but soon find, as a rule, that I am tired of them  (Soon Quotes) One can prove or refute anything at all with words. Soon people will perfect language technology to such an extent that they’ll be proving with mathematical precision that twice two is seven  (Soon Quotes) The superior man governs men, according to their nature, with what is proper to them, and as soon as they change what is wrong, he stops  (Soon Quotes) The thought that I had been captured so soon, without having done anything for the revolution, made me feel ashamed. I thought: at least now, I must carry out my duty well under torture  (Soon Quotes)
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