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When we see our enemies and friends gliding away before us, let us not forget that we are subject to the general law of mortality, and shall soon be where our doom will be fixed forever  (Soon Quotes) Garments that have once one rent in them are subject to be torn on every nail, and glasses that are once cracked are soon broken; such is man’s good name once tainted with just reproach  (Soon Quotes) Soon as man, expert from time, has found the key of life, it opes the gates of death  (Soon Quotes) Habits, soft and pliant at first, are like some coral stones, which are easily cut when first quarried, but soon become hard as adamant  (Soon Quotes) The flush of youth soon passes from the face, the spells of fancy from the mind depart; the form may lose its symmetry, its grace, but time can claim no victory over the heart  (Soon Quotes) Whom the grandeur of his office elevates over other men will soon find that the first hour of his new dignity is the last of his independence  (Soon Quotes) O subtle love! A thousand wiles thou hast, by humble suit, by service, or by hire, to win a maiden’s hold, a thing soon done, for nature framed all women to be won  (Soon Quotes) He only fears men who does not know them, and he who avoids them will soon misjudge them  (Soon Quotes) A woman who throws herself at a man’s head will soon find her place at his feet  (Soon Quotes) Money does all things for reward; some are pious and honest so long as they thrive upon it, but if the devil himself gives better wages, they soon change their party  (Soon Quotes) Soon the men of the column began to see that though the scarlet line was slender, it was very rigid and exact  (Soon Quotes) For there is no air that men so greedily draw in, that diffuses itself so soon, and that penetrates so deep as that of license  (Soon Quotes) Fame is a shuttlecock. If it be struck only at one end of a room it will soon fall to the floor. To keep it up, it must be struck at both ends  (Soon Quotes) Feasts and business and pleasure and enjoyments seem great things to us, whilst we think of nothing else; but as soon as we add death to them they all sink into an equal littleness  (Soon Quotes) The woman who too easily and ardently yielded her devotion will find that its vitality, like a bright fire, soon consumes itself  (Soon Quotes) As all error is meanness, it is incumbent on every man who consults his own dignity, to retract it as soon as he discovers it  (Soon Quotes) Soon after I embraced the sport of angling I became convinced that I should never be able to enjoy it if I had to rely on the cooperation of the fish  (Soon Quotes) He that has once concluded it lawful to resist power, when it wants merit, will soon find a want of merit, to justify his resistance to power  (Soon Quotes) So was she soon exhaled, and vanished hence; as a sweet odour, of a vast expense. She vanished, we can scarcely say she died  (Soon Quotes) All slander must still be strangled in its birth, or time will soon conspire to make it strong enough to overcome the truth  (Soon Quotes) That which is good to be done, cannot be done too soon; and if it is neglected to be done early, it will frequently happen that it will not be done at all  (Soon Quotes) Calumny would soon starve and die of itself if nobody took it in and gave it lodging  (Soon Quotes) If we use no ceremony towards others, we shall be treated without any. People are soon tired of paying trifling attentions to those who receive them with coldness, and return them with neglect  (Soon Quotes) Let friendship creep gently to a height; if it rush to it, it may soon run itself out of breath  (Soon Quotes) While strength and years permit, endure labor; soon bent old age will come with silent foot  (Soon Quotes) A fop who admires his person in a glass soon enters into a resolution of making his fortune by it, not questioning that every woman who falls in his way will do him as much justice as himself  (Soon Quotes) Remembrance of the dead soon fades. Alas! In their tombs they decay more slowly than in our hearts  (Soon Quotes) Science which is acquired unwillingly, soon disappears; that which is instilled into the mind in a pleasant and agreeable manner, is more lasting  (Soon Quotes) The rose is fragrant, but it fades in time: The violet sweet, but quickly past the prime: White lilies hang their heads, and soon decay, and white snow in minutes melts away  (Soon Quotes) Ah, how quickly the hands on the clock circle toward the future we thought was far away! And how soon we become our mothers  (Soon Quotes)
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