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Without the funding Amtrak needs to keep operating, we will soon see people that rely on Amtrak to get them to work each day, waiting for a train that isn’t coming  (Soon Quotes) Jack Bruce, as soon as I saw him, it changed me. I didn’t even know what bass players did until I saw Cream  (Soon Quotes) I shall soon be six-and-twenty. Is there anything in the future that can possibly console us for not being always twenty-five?  (Soon Quotes) No one in the whole movie ever asks anyone, did you write this letter’ Part of the reason is that no one wants to hear that it isn’t for them. As soon as they read it, they want it to be theirs  (Soon Quotes) As soon as I did my first five minutes of stand-up I knew that I would rather be a failure at comedy than a success in marketing  (Soon Quotes) These ancient huts were soon cleared of the rubbish covering them. I planned them, and removed them for investigation below, which undertaking took until the fourth of Nov  (Soon Quotes) I soon discovered, after I became chairman of the NEH, that, for a number of academics, the truth was not merely irrelevant - it no longer existed  (Soon Quotes) Terrorism is escalating to the point that Americans soon may have to choose between civil liberties and more intrusive means of protection  (Soon Quotes) The sheriff is at the cash register, and if I don’t get a hit soon, I don’t know what I’ll do  (Soon Quotes) As soon as I got successful, the Scottish press started picking on me. It’s something they reserve just for me  (Soon Quotes) As soon as Young read my statements and saw clearly what I was saying, he stopped communicating with me  (Soon Quotes) I am a Korean War veteran. I support our troops as much as anyone in this body, but I do so by advocating redeployment out of Iraq as soon as it can be safely done  (Soon Quotes) As soon as I see period costume, I turn off. It’s like hearing drama on Radio 4  (Soon Quotes) I touched an Oscar once. Friend of mine has one, for writing. As soon as I touched it, he said, Now you’ll never win one  (Soon Quotes) I try to retire jokes as soon as I can once I put them on an album. But I can’t think of anything I just stopped doing for no reason  (Soon Quotes) I never complain that I’m tired, because I know as soon as I get a good nine hours’ sleep, I’m cool  (Soon Quotes) I walk into a company office and I can tell often whether I’m gonna invest, as soon as I walk in  (Soon Quotes) As you do with any band you’re in, you get to know everyone too well all too soon. When you’re crammed into a small space, proximity leads to familiarity  (Soon Quotes) I’m certainly not as tough as people think. I’m not a fighter and so forth. I’d just as soon go home  (Soon Quotes) I have too many control issues, so it just is not good for me to go and watch a film, too soon after I make it  (Soon Quotes) I believe that writing for me is in a way like wisdom; in that as soon as you feel like you’ve got it figured out you stop growing and maybe even lose something  (Soon Quotes) Accusing somebody of racism is a very effective weapon in Germany. Islamists know this: As soon as you accuse someone of demonizing Islam, then the European side backs down  (Soon Quotes) Anyone who endeavors to be a Christian will soon find his intelligence being sharpened. You are embarking on something that is going to take the whole of you, brains and all  (Soon Quotes) The New York Times is most definitely a left-wing concern that is openly contemptuous of the conservative, traditional point of view. That is the primary reason the paper may soon dissolve  (Soon Quotes) It seems like as soon as you have written something, it dictates a story. So I need to be careful  (Soon Quotes) I’m a complete worrier. As soon as my head hits the pillow I’m thinking  (Soon Quotes) Harsh reproof is like a violent storm, soon washed down the channel; but friendly admonitions, like a small shower, pierce deep, and bring forth better reformation  (Soon Quotes) When you’re just using words, you’re limiting yourself to everyday casual speak. As soon as you start to sing, you can unlock the stuff that’s underneath  (Soon Quotes) I have been an avid reader since my youth. Because I also liked to play tabletop games, I soon felt the desire to make the story narrated in a book or an aspect of that story come alive in a game  (Soon Quotes) For one reason or another, I became a passionate reader when I was very little. As soon as I could read, I wanted to read  (Soon Quotes)
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