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Don’t let your guard down too soon. This person is great but you just met them. That’s how you got hurt last time  (Soon Quotes) If a man wants to cheat he will. As soon as I find out, I’m gone. No time in the day to be fighting over him and arguing with other women  (Soon Quotes) If you allow people to make more withdrawals than deposits in your life, you will soon be in the negative. Know when to close the account  (Soon Quotes) There are people who think that plunder loses all its immorality as soon as it becomes legal. Personally, I cannot imagine a more alarming situation  (Soon Quotes) Get well soon to someone who thinks they have the flu but probably doesn’t  (Soon Quotes) It’s easy to think that the grass is greener on the other side. Naive people will learn soon enough  (Soon Quotes) Sorry you don’t believe in paying taxes or in the federal prison system that will soon house you  (Soon Quotes) Social laughter is momentary, soon burns itself out and passes away like the fire and smokes of straw, but genius shakes the very skies with its lasting, inextinguishable laughter  (Soon Quotes) Almost all countries have natural dividing lines, and when ethnic and religious partition occurs in one country, it’ll soon happen elsewhere  (Soon Quotes) To be a successful hostess, when guest arrive say, at last! And when they leave say, so soon!  (Soon Quotes) There is no opinion, however absurd, which men will not readily embrace as soon as they can be brought to the conviction that it is generally adopted  (Soon Quotes) Right now I’m just testing the waters, but soon it’ll be recognized as the best source, that’s the aim  (Soon Quotes) The sick soon come to understand that they live in a different world from that of the well and that the two cannot communicate  (Soon Quotes) To make laws is a human instinct that arises as soon as food and shelter have been ensured, among all peoples, everywhere  (Soon Quotes) When you really don’t like a guy, they’re all over you, and as soon as you act like you like them, they’re no longer interested  (Soon Quotes) A woman can be so into you, see so much potential in you but as soon as you start lying, the faster she loses interest  (Soon Quotes) Every person in this life has something to teach you, and as soon as you accept this you open yourself to truly listening and learning  (Soon Quotes) Abstraction returned as soon as artists tried to come to closer grips with reality than naturalistic representation permitted  (Soon Quotes) I’ve got a deep dark suspicion that pretty soon we should start looking around for another planet for ourselves  (Soon Quotes) Let’s hang out in person soon and talk about things that we saw online  (Soon Quotes) You know you miss someone, when as soon as something good happens, they’re the first person you want to share it with  (Soon Quotes) And it is exceedingly short, his galloping life. Dogs die so soon. I have my stories of that grief, no doubt many of you do also. It is almost a failure of will, a failure of love, to let them grow old-or so it feels. We would do anything to keep them with us, and to keep them young. The one gift we cannot give  (Soon Quotes) I’m gonna do clothes, but stuff that kids can afford. I want to get into the high fashion world very soon, but the stuff I want to start out with is the small stuff, for the kids, that anybody can afford the Nikes, or the Jordans, Or let’s say they can’t afford the big brand name clothes, so I would make a lower end line but still high-quality  (Soon Quotes) I’d studied 16th century science and magic. I thought it was strange that people were interested in the same kinds of things my research was about. The more I thought about it, the more intriguing it became and pretty soon I was writing a novel about a reluctant witch and a 1500-year-old vampire  (Soon Quotes) I had my success too soon. Three books published with Scribners in New York before I was 30  (Soon Quotes) Marketing automation is the technology that propels your business into a new era of relationship based marketing with quantifiable results. When powerful technology meets effective implementation and internal process management, your company will soon find itself on a journey that leads to new heights of business success  (Soon Quotes) We have to design a health delivery system by actually talking to people and asking, ‘What would make this service better for you?’ As soon as you start asking, you get a flood of answers  (Soon Quotes) Senator Kerry recovering very nicely after having shoulder surgery. The doctors said the senator was fully awake, lucid and joking after the surgery was done, but cautioned that that was just the drug. He went back to his boring self soon afterward  (Soon Quotes) But Rosa soon made the discovery that Miss Twinkleton didn’t read fairly. She cut the love-scenes, interpolated passages in praise of female celibacy, and was guilty of other glaring pious frauds  (Soon Quotes) Orthodox Christians have the habit of claiming all great men, all men who have held important positions, men of reputation, men of wealth. As soon as the funeral is over clergymen begin to relate imaginary conversations with the deceased, and in a very little while the great man is changed to a Christian - possibly to a saint  (Soon Quotes)
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