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My message to the kids and our fans is hockey’s a great game. There’s a lot of hockey being played at all levels. Get involved, do it. We will be back and we will be back better than ever and hopefully as soon as possible. Don’t give up on the game. It’s too good.  (Soon Quotes) I like being powerful. I hope it doesn’t go to my head. If somebody’s going to have it, it might just as soon be me. There’s always power, and it’s just a matter of in whose hands it falls.  (Soon Quotes) But being quiet and meditating on sound is something completely different and will be discovered very soon by a lot of people who feel that the visual world doesn’t reach their soul anymore.  (Soon Quotes) Being away from her is torturous and I’d much prefer to be with her. So I just try to get out of here as soon as I can. I make sure I do my job real well and fast.  (Soon Quotes) As soon as you can say what you think and not what some other person has thought for you, you are on the way to being a remarkable man.  (Soon Quotes) Democracy’s a very fragile thing. You have to take care of democracy. As soon as you stop being responsible to it and allow it to turn into scare tactics, it’s no longer democracy, is it? It’s something else. It may be an inch away from totalitarianism.  (Soon Quotes) I’m going to start water skiing someday...as soon as I can separate it from being dragged by a boat.  (Soon Quotes) I can’t watch other people doing comedy. As soon as somebody starts being funny I have to turn off because it upsets me. I get comedy indigestion. I just hate anybody else being funny. That’s my job.  (Soon Quotes) You will know how to stop suffering as soon as suffering ceases to be valuable. If you are in pain, you are being led.  (Soon Quotes) Believe that you are successful, dream it every day, soon you will find that you are successful  (Soon Quotes) But if the vision is strong enough, and your goals are steady, and you believe, pretty soon you bring other people with you.  (Soon Quotes) I firmly believe that knowing too much too soon can color your performance in a not good way. I just don’t want to know until I need to know. And then you just roll with it.  (Soon Quotes) The obvious choice isn’t always the best choice, but sometimes, by golly, it is. I don’t stop looking as soon I find an obvious answer, but if I go on looking, and the obvious-seeming answer still seems obvious, I don’t feel guilty about keeping it.  (Soon Quotes) None are so seldom found alone, and are so soon tired of their own company, as those coxcombs who are on the best terms with themselves.  (Soon Quotes) If an enterprise does not aspire to be the best of its kind, it will attract second-rate employees, and it will be soon forgotten.  (Soon Quotes) I can see a day soon where you’ll create your own college degree by taking the best online courses from the best professors from around the world - some computing from Stanford, some entrepreneurship from Wharton, some ethics from Brandeis, some literature from Edinburgh - paying only the nominal fee for the certificates of completion.  (Soon Quotes) I soon realized that the best thing I could do for the profession of human services was to get out of it.  (Soon Quotes) After a hit show is over, you soon realize this is a very tough business ... brutally tough. But I’m a better actor and I have more gravitas than I had at 24 with bleached-blonde hair.  (Soon Quotes) Why you? Because there is no one better. Why now? Because tomorrow isn’t soon enough.  (Soon Quotes) If you should put even a little on a little and should do this often, soon this would become big  (Soon Quotes) Definitely, and it’s getting more spiritual. Pretty soon I believe people will have to rely on music to get some kind of peace of mind, or satisfaction, or direction, actually. More so than politics, the big ego scene. You know it’s an art of words... Meaning nothing. Therefore you will have to get an earthier substance, like music or the arts.  (Soon Quotes) It’s always a bit overwhelming when you arrive on set and everyone’s new, but you soon become a big family. I find the hardest thing about acting is that you have to say goodbye to everyone at the end of a shoot.  (Soon Quotes) My feet ain’t got nothing to do with my nickname, but when folks get it in their heads that a feller’s got big feet, soon the feet start looking big.  (Soon Quotes) As soon as I started acting in England, I got unusual roles. Although I’m 6 foot six, and agents might standardly cast me in tough guy roles or the big guy in the back, I’ve been very blessed to do roles that makes them think twice about how they’re gonna cast me.  (Soon Quotes) I expected to be in the big leagues soon. I didn’t know exactly how soon, but I wanted to be here soon, and I wanted to make a difference soon.  (Soon Quotes) I think it’s a big mistake to decide too soon what you’re going to do with your life  (Soon Quotes) Rick Berman, who produced Star Trek, was a big Night Court fan. So he knew who I was as soon as I walked in.  (Soon Quotes) This is the big question that we all have about our children: How much, how soon, do we tell our children the less comfortable facts about the world they’re going to inherit?  (Soon Quotes) I have a big thing with eye contact, because I think as soon as you make eye contact with somebody, you see them, and they become valued and worthy.  (Soon Quotes) Today, I attended a friend’s birthday party dressed as a ninja. I soon discovered that ninjas are very misunderstood.  (Soon Quotes)
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