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While therefore your tears flow, let a due proportion be tears of joy. Yet take the bitter cup with both hands and sit down to your repast. You will soon learn a secret: that there is sweetness at the bottom.  (Soon Quotes) I learned a long time ago, if you want to keep your friends in show business, don’t get famous. Because as soon as you get famous, a lot of the people you used to know, who didn’t, become incredibly bitter and jealous. It’s part of the territory.  (Soon Quotes) As soon as you say that there is a community called, let’s say, black Americans, you’ve immediately created a boundary line - who’s in that group, who’s outside that group.  (Soon Quotes) Blacks own so little of the music business, it’s pathetic. But I see that changing soon. Black artists, black businessmen and women will unite.  (Soon Quotes) We will soon create intelligences greater than our own ... When this happens, human history will have reached a kind of singularity, an intellectual transition as impenetrable as the knotted space-time at the center of a black hole, and the world will pass far beyond our understanding.  (Soon Quotes) I’m a child myself, in the sense that I’m still looking. Children are fascinated by black holes and ask me questions. I find they soon get the idea if it is explained in nontechnical language.  (Soon Quotes) As soon as you make mistakes, or you have an off year, even if it’s not your fault as a quarterback... I’ve always said the quarterback and the head coach always get too much blame when you lose and too much credit when you win.  (Soon Quotes) Any man, you’ll soon learn, has an insurmountable need to blame someone else when he is made to look a fool.  (Soon Quotes) You got a lot but you just waste all yourself. They’ll forget your name soon and won’t nobody be to blame but yourself.  (Soon Quotes) As soon as the first person wrote about me, the articles became just blatant, all-out lies. I consider it slander. If I cared more, I’d kill them.  (Soon Quotes) I’m going to die very soon. Before my 21st birthday. I won’t live to be 21. I’m never going to be old. I don’t ever want to be ugly and old. I’m an old lady now anyhow. I’m 80. There’s nothing left. I’ve already lived a whole lifetime. I’m going out. In a blaze of glory.  (Soon Quotes) Isn’t it funny how something that will later be a blessing can be a curse if you get it too soon.  (Soon Quotes) Celebrity is a mask that eats into the face. As soon as one is aware of being somebody, to be watched and listened to with extra interest, input ceases, and the performer goes blind and deaf in his over-animation. One can either see or be seen.  (Soon Quotes) Sometimes you have to listen to a CD over and over before you really get it, but as soon as I heard the first note of R  (Soon Quotes) I spent the day today at Brighton Beach, walking around. It’s a Russian/Jewish neighborhood. And I was in a store and I saw a board game called ‘Let My People Go,’ based on the Jews’ exodus from Egypt. I was like, ‘Too soon.  (Soon Quotes) Probably spending 12 years at boarding school - comedy became a survival gene. But I think some people are funny right off the bat, as soon as they can speak or be naughty.  (Soon Quotes) But it was soon ascertained that this quaternary matter of the animal body was chemically the same in the plant, was elaborated there, and only appropriated by the animal.  (Soon Quotes) Where did I surrender, can you tell me how and when. I’m the one who’s always in control. Leading with my heart like there is nothing to defend as I lay it all out on the line body and soul. I’ve never let another in so soon.  (Soon Quotes) A novelist’s lack of awareness of and critical distance to his own body of work is due to a phenomenon that I have noticed in myself and many others: as soon as it is written, every new book erases the last one, leaving me with the impression that I have forgotten it.  (Soon Quotes) Genetic scientists say that one day it will be possible to grow new body parts, like new breasts and new hands. It’s going to be a huge moneymaker, because you know that as soon as women grow another breast, men will want another hand.  (Soon Quotes) You start thinking about a character in a new book, of course you’re going to think pretty soon, ‘Well, what’s their secret? What is their problem?’ Maybe, ‘What is their secret?’ is another way of saying, ‘What is their problem?’ There’s got to be some issue, or you’ve got a totally boring book!  (Soon Quotes) There will be a Skype movie soon... someone will crack the code, and it will be great. Then, there’ll be 30 Skype movies, and we’ll be like, ‘Oh, that’s boring.’  (Soon Quotes) Conservatives were sure that if you eliminated welfare for single moms, it would eliminate - or at lease greatly reduce - single motherhood. So in 1996 we had welfare reform. Did not change the trend in the least. Soon half of all babies will be born out of wedlock.  (Soon Quotes) A mass of dust, world’s momentary slave, Is man, in state of our old Adam made, Soon born to die, soon flourishing to fade.  (Soon Quotes) There are lots of different strategies that an animal can use to survive. What a worm does is try to convert food into worms as soon as possible. In three days a single worm produces 300 progeny. So why put your resources into developing if you can make a brand-new worm in no time at all?  (Soon Quotes) I was told once if I kept breaking things on my legs, that I wasn’t going to be able to walk soon, you know? I wanted to be a pro skateboarder, but it was too hard. I was trying, but it wasn’t going to happen.  (Soon Quotes) Some day your head won’t find my lap so easily. Trust is a habit you’ll soon break.  (Soon Quotes) Every film is a remake of a previous film, or a remake of a television series that everyone loved in the 1960s, or a remake of a television series that everyone hated in the 1960s. Or it’s a theme park ride; it will soon come to breakfast cereal mascots.  (Soon Quotes) [St. Elmo’s Fire] it was pretty soon after that. I know we didn’t do Breakfast Club knowing we were going to do that.  (Soon Quotes) Most men think graft a sporadic evil, breaking out here and there, with no connection between outbreaks. I shared the same opinion, but very soon I discovered that the graft in the cities always leads to the graft in the State.  (Soon Quotes)
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