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The doctors who have examined me say I am healthy enough for a long life, so don’t have any illusions that I’ll soon leave this world.  (Soon Quotes) If you buy the things you don’t need, you will soon be selling the things that you need  (Soon Quotes) If you go with Marshall McLuhan’s theory that the medium is the message, as soon as you’re hosting a blooper show, you’re done.  (Soon Quotes) Social media is a double-edged sword. I’ve gotten in trouble for announcing, too soon, something that the network or the studio wanted to do, and it steals some of the thunder, so to speak.  (Soon Quotes) I certainly never get above my station - my family would soon slap me back down to earth  (Soon Quotes) When you allow circumstances beyond your control to determine your attitude and actions, you risk plunging into a downward spiral of hasty decisions and faulty judgments, to overreacting, giving up too soon, and missing those opportunities that always - always - appear just when you think life will never get better.  (Soon Quotes) That was like my safe place with great teachers where everyone could let down their guard and not feel judged. As soon as we walk outside, it was like, ‘Look at these weird drama club kids.’ But we all had our own agreement that we were cool in our own way.  (Soon Quotes) I don’t get offered many dramatic roles. As soon as my face pops up in a movie, everyone knows I’m the funny guy.  (Soon Quotes) I think all children draw, as soon as they figure out the thumb and can grab crayons. The only difference with people like myself is that we never stopped drawing.  (Soon Quotes) I’ve been drawing as long as I can remember. I think all children draw as soon as they figure out the thumb and can grab crayons. The only difference with people like myself is that we never stopped drawing.  (Soon Quotes) Small dreams will not take you to the moon. So think big and start dreaming big soon.  (Soon Quotes) To accelerate success, we must get as close to our dreams as possible as soon as possible  (Soon Quotes) It seems ridiculous that you can be in one state with your driver’s license and buy a firearm, and then in the next state it is totally illegal. There are real problems to that, but as soon as you bring up the subject and say ‘gun control,’ it sets a red flag.  (Soon Quotes) Human kindness is like a defective tap, the first gush may be impressive but the stream soon dries up.  (Soon Quotes) Let us die as soon as possible, and by whatever process God shall appoint. And when we are dead to the world, and nature, and self, we shall begin to live to God.  (Soon Quotes) Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.  (Soon Quotes) Catch, then, oh! catch the transient hour, Improve each moment as it flies; Life’s a short summer-man a flower; He dies-alas! how soon he dies!  (Soon Quotes) Fair daffodils, we weep to see You haste away so soon: As yet the early-rising sun Has not attained his noon.  (Soon Quotes) Earth would soon Be uninhabitable as the moon. What for that matter had it ever been? Who advised man to come and live therein?  (Soon Quotes) It’s easy to come up with new ideas; the hard part is letting go of what worked for you two years ago, but will soon be out-of-date.  (Soon Quotes) As soon as the economic freedom which the market economy grants to its members is removed, all political liberties and bills of rights become humbug.  (Soon Quotes) Ever since the Industrial Revolution, investments in science and technology have proved to be reliable engines of economic growth. If homegrown interest in those fields is not regenerated soon, the comfortable lifestyle to which Americans have become accustomed will draw to a rapid close.  (Soon Quotes) As soon as the land of any country has all become private property, the landlords, like all other men, love to reap where they never sowed, and demand a rent even for its natural produce.  (Soon Quotes) These are tough and unusual times and I don’t see the negative global economic situation abating anytime soon.  (Soon Quotes) The forces of internationalism, humanism and solidarity will have to be victorious, or soon there will be nothing left of the human race.  (Soon Quotes) Nowadays, most educated people would just as soon stay home and watch ‘Breaking Bad’ as shell out a hundred bucks to see a Broadway play - assuming that there are any plays on Broadway worth seeing, which long ago ceased to be a safe bet.  (Soon Quotes) You’re going to make mistakes. The key is to learn from them as fast as possible and make changes as soon as you can. That’s not always easy to do because ego and pride get in the way, but you have to put all that aside and look at the big picture.  (Soon Quotes) The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches us to get away from the devil as soon and as fast as we can  (Soon Quotes) I should say that generally I’m a pretty happy person, but as soon as I’m done with a project, I’m usually not happy at all. I feel a little empty and strange. I begin to think about how I can get better, stretch more artistically and intellectually. My biggest worry is getting complacent.  (Soon Quotes) During the late nights, try to walk in the empty streets with an empty mind! Light of wisdom will soon accompany you!  (Soon Quotes)
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