Sophie Kinsella Quotes

Text Quotes
... you may be able to sway people’s heads. But you can’t sway their hearts (Sophie Kinsella Quotes)
There are moments in life that the white-chocolate Magnum ice cream was invented for, and this is one of them (Sophie Kinsella Quotes)
If your life’s at a juncture and you need to think about things, there’s nowhere better than home. However old you are (Sophie Kinsella Quotes)
I mean, when I think about it, what’s more important? Clothes - or the miracle of new life? (Sophie Kinsella Quotes)
Oh, this shouldn’t be allowed. There should be a rule which says that people you’ve met in the gym should never meet you in real life (Sophie Kinsella Quotes)
But sometimes you have to be brave. Sometimes you have to show people what’s important in life (Sophie Kinsella Quotes)
Why didn’t I buy a new phone earlier? Why don’t I always walk around with a spare phone? It should be the law, like having a spare tire (Sophie Kinsella Quotes)
I’m blushing at my own stupid, nonsensical, meaningless thought process, which, by the way, nobody knows about except me (Sophie Kinsella Quotes)
... what would Poirot do? Poirot wouldn’t flap around in a panic. He’d stay calm and use his little grey cells and recall some tiny, vital detail which would be the clue to everything (Sophie Kinsella Quotes)
You never know how things are going to turn out, however much you plan. But you already know that (Sophie Kinsella Quotes)
Jeez Louise. I know why rich people are so thin: it’s from trekking around their humongous houses the whole time (Sophie Kinsella Quotes)
Rule of life. If you bother to ask someone’s advice, then bother to listen to it (Sophie Kinsella Quotes)
Don’t think about it. Don’t think about what could have been. It’s too unbearable (Sophie Kinsella Quotes)
Sometimes, when I can’t get to sleep, I imagine all the rules I’d invent if I ever got to be in charge of the world (Sophie Kinsella Quotes)
You don’t always have to know who you are. Sometimes, it’s enough just to know what to do next (Sophie Kinsella Quotes)
It was in the forest. No one saw it or heard it. So did it actually happen? (Sophie Kinsella Quotes)
And maybe now you’ll start treating everybody with respect. Not just the people you think are important (Sophie Kinsella Quotes)
Suddenly I’ve had enough of all this. I’ve had enough of being made to feel insecure and paranoid and wondering what’s going on (Sophie Kinsella Quotes)
“If you’re single, then I’m single?” What’s that supposed to be? Lyrics to a pop song? (Sophie Kinsella Quotes)
I’m lying. I don’t just need someone like you. I need you (Sophie Kinsella Quotes)
Everyone keeps saying I’ll pick it up. But what if I don’t? I did algebra for three years, and I never picked that up (Sophie Kinsella Quotes)
We all fail to appreciate each day just how much we already possess. Light, air, freedom, the companionship of friends (Sophie Kinsella Quotes)
There’s nothing like your mother’s sympathetic voice to make you want to burst into tears (Sophie Kinsella Quotes)
Relationships are a battle. They are a chess game. And what did I do? I just threw all my chess pieces down on the board at once, and said, “Here! Have them all!” (Sophie Kinsella Quotes)
You fall in and out of love, but when you really love someone... it’s forever (Sophie Kinsella Quotes)
Youth is still where you left it, and that’s where it should stay. Anything that was worth taking on life’s journey, you’ll already have taken with you (Sophie Kinsella Quotes)
This is what happens. You tell your friends your most personal secrets, and they use them against you (Sophie Kinsella Quotes)
If my writing comes to a halt, I head to the shops: I find them very inspirational. And if I get into real trouble with my plot, I go out for a pizza with my husband (Sophie Kinsella Quotes)
I change my mind so much, I’m better going on my own. Shopping is a selfish activity anyway (Sophie Kinsella Quotes)
I am not a label snob and have learned that the thrill of shopping can be just as great, if not more so, when you find a bargain (Sophie Kinsella Quotes)