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Sophisticated Quotes

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What makes us human, I think, is an ability to ask questions, a consequence of our sophisticated spoken language  (Sophisticated Quotes) Wearable devices are here to stay, and they’ll only get more sophisticated and effective as they evolve. Until now, most of us have made our health and fitness decisions based on what we think we know about ourselves. Advancements in technology - wearables and otherwise - will eventually take much of the guess work out of healthy living  (Sophisticated Quotes) I liked the more sophisticated urban style of blues like Ray Charles and B. B. King, Bobby Blue Bland, Lou Rawls; people like that with more of a tendency toward jazz  (Sophisticated Quotes) The United States has the most sophisticated financial markets in the world, which does not leave much room to maneuver. But it also offers investors the greatest access to information and the ability to execute trades quickly and efficiently. So it is a mixed bag of opportunity  (Sophisticated Quotes) And truly Philosophy is but sophisticated poetry. Whence do those ancient writers derive all their authority but from the poets?  (Sophisticated Quotes) Devout Christians are destined to be regarded as fools in modern society. We are fools for Christ’s sake. We must pray for courage to endure the scorn of the sophisticated world  (Sophisticated Quotes) One can be sophisticated and believe in God. Reason and intellect are not to be laid aside where matters of religion are concerned  (Sophisticated Quotes) I don’t understand why so many people who are sophisticated in science go on believing in God. I wish I did  (Sophisticated Quotes) I love French films, and European films. They’re not any bigger, but there’s just a sort of definition, and a confidence, and strength to them. I’d always, given the option, go and see a French drama. Obviously, we probably get the better ones. But they’re just sophisticated on many levels, and grown up, and quite profound - and we don’t make films like that  (Sophisticated Quotes) You have a great body. It is an intricate piece of technology and a sophisticated super-computer. It runs on peanuts and even regenerates itself. Your relationship with your body is one of the most important relationships you’ll ever have. And since repairs are expensive and spare parts are hard to come by, it pays to make that relationship good  (Sophisticated Quotes) Automated call centers are only the most obvious way speech recognition will be used. The software is now becoming sophisticated enough to identify speakers through ‘voiceprints,’ akin to fingerprints, eventually reducing the need for personal identification numbers  (Sophisticated Quotes) The Cold War’s end pushed disarmament down most leaders’ agendas. It’s a sophisticated issue, which I think is one reason why it is not so hands-on to many people. It’s not visceral. It’s not like a starving child  (Sophisticated Quotes) I think there’s a lot of shame in American race relations. There’s a lot of suppressed guilt that lashes itself out still. I see that all the time, and whereas opposed to sort of trying to address the issue in an up-front way, they’re attacking and thus perpetuating the problem thinking that they’re being sophisticated and post-racial, when, in fact, they’re being completely regressive  (Sophisticated Quotes) I am baffled by the way sophisticated theologians who know Adam and Eve never existed still keep talking about it.  (Sophisticated Quotes) Many people think fairy tales and retellings of fairy tales are only for children, but I’m not the only writer to take an old tale and retell it for a sophisticated adult audience.  (Sophisticated Quotes) I don’t know what’s happened to me. I’ve got a bit more sophisticated in my old age. I like a bit of jasmine tea. I love it.  (Sophisticated Quotes) There is no evidence that an animal can take on the sophisticated task of deciding to end his life and to communicate that decision to us.  (Sophisticated Quotes) As she continues to answer questions about her employment, all these words mean little more to her now than I AM SOPHISTICATED, I AM WORTHY, I AM SOPHISTICATED, I AM WORTHY. She attempts the posture of a politician’s wife, shoulders held back, dignifIed yet modest.  (Sophisticated Quotes) You could say one wine is like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz while another is like the mature Judy Garland, or that a big voluptuous chardonnay is like Marilyn Monroe -round, bosomy - you can remember that chardonnay, If you say a wine is snappy and lively, like Robin Williams, that’s very different than the Anthony Hopkins of wine - urbane, sophisticated, measured, considered.  (Sophisticated Quotes) Bounty hunters these days - because everything is so sophisticated with computers and surveillance, it doesn’t have to be a one-man-army-type guy who goes in and kicks a door down.  (Sophisticated Quotes) My old dance teacher, Jimmy Wilde, a former European ballroom dancing champion, was so sophisticated.  (Sophisticated Quotes) Backwash’ is an old-school, slapstick-y romp between three eccentric loser friends who inadvertently rob a bank, armed solely with a salami and a sweat sock, and then find themselves on the run pursued by singing cops. It’s kind of a classic piece, a sophisticated piece, if you will.  (Sophisticated Quotes) I dress in a sophisticated and classy way - I always dress in a way I know my mother wouldn’t be embarrassed to see.  (Sophisticated Quotes) No person knows your body better than you. The world’s most sophisticated and sensitive diagnostic apparatus is your own body’s feelings.  (Sophisticated Quotes) I want to get more and more sophisticated. I’m ready to go from being a kid to being a king.  (Sophisticated Quotes) I guess I’m interested in people who are very sophisticated in intellectual ways, while being completely off the mark in emotional ones, with these huge blind spots in terms of their own behavior.  (Sophisticated Quotes) The food being presented at the most expensive restaurants, by the most sophisticated chefs, was not always recognizable as food to the diner - it required a leap of faith, and I felt curious about that phenomenon.  (Sophisticated Quotes) No matter how sophisticated you may be, a large granite mountain cannot be denied - it speaks in silence to the very core of your being.  (Sophisticated Quotes) We’re all human beings, but some of us are more sophisticated at covering our flaws. We’re just smart enough to lie to ourselves that everything is OK.  (Sophisticated Quotes) Love for me is the most sophisticated form that one can give for his desire, may be the only faith is remarkable on human being.  (Sophisticated Quotes)
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