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Sophisticated Quotes

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I wanted to be like an actor or a comedian for a little while, because I was always wanting to make people laugh, and being stupid, so I never thought I’d be doing a job where you always have to look nice, and polished and sophisticated.  (Sophisticated Quotes) Magic speaks to the child in all of us. No matter how sophisticated we become, there’s still a part of us who wants to believe in an alternative reality, where we can defy the laws of nature.  (Sophisticated Quotes) The best Reformed theology isn’t just about careful arguments for theologically sophisticated conclusions. It is about how to live the Christian life.  (Sophisticated Quotes) Like most people, I’ve grown a lot more sophisticated in my style choices. I know myself and what suits me better now than I did when I was much younger and feel more comfortable in my own skin.  (Sophisticated Quotes) We live in a society in which spurious realities are manufactured by the media, by governments, by big corporations, by religious groups, political groups. I ask, in my writing, ‘What is real?’ Because unceasingly we are bombarded with pseudo realities manufactured by very sophisticated people using very sophisticated electronic mechanisms.  (Sophisticated Quotes) I guess I’m interested in people who are very sophisticated in intellectual ways, while being completely off the mark in emotional ones, with huge blind spots in terms of their own behavior.  (Sophisticated Quotes) There’s a lot of thinking when you choreograph something. You’re not just choreographing some bodies, arms, legs flying around to look cool. It’s a lot more complicated and sophisticated. You also have to deal with the connection of the whole film, so when I choreograph, I think of the movement itself, the camera angles, the characters.  (Sophisticated Quotes) Become abundant with your compliments to others. We’re all so fragile, especially when we put on a brave face. A sincere compliment can penetrate beneath even the most sophisticated masks to soothe troubled souls.  (Sophisticated Quotes) I’m not good enough to write about my friends, who are all brilliant and sophisticated  (Sophisticated Quotes) The British film industry has always tried to sell itself as something rather sophisticated. It’s almost as if it thinks it is by royal command. It has always tried to claim the high ground, not only over Hollywood but over the whole of humanity!  (Sophisticated Quotes) Put simply, my vision for AOL is to build the largest and most sophisticated global advertising network while we grow the size and engagement of our worldwide audience.  (Sophisticated Quotes) People are sophisticated viewers, as evidenced by the risks that are taken in cable television, and I think network has to do the same thing.  (Sophisticated Quotes) Videogames are indeed design: They’re sophisticated virtual machines that echo the mechanical systems inside cars.  (Sophisticated Quotes) There’s more technology in your car than there is in your computer. It’s got thousands of parts in it. It’s extremely sophisticated, all that robotics.  (Sophisticated Quotes) I found that my career at Bell Telephone Labs thrived because of the environment, which encouraged cooperative research, offered opportunities for access to sophisticated equipment, and fellowship.  (Sophisticated Quotes) We were trained as writers with the idea that literature is something that can change reality, that it’s not just a very sophisticated entertainment, but a way to act.  (Sophisticated Quotes) In the fields I know best, among the life sciences, it is required that the most expert and sophisticated minds be capable of changing course - often with a great lurch - every few years.  (Sophisticated Quotes) It might be hard to remember this far back, but once upon a time, some of us hoped that public TV would develop into a smart, sophisticated, civilized alternative to commercial TV - not a cheap imitation of it.  (Sophisticated Quotes) An egg is a beautiful, sophisticated thing that can create even more sophisticated things, such as chickens. And we know in our heart of hearts that the universe does not travel from mush to complexity. In fact, this gut instinct is reflected in one of the most fundamental laws of physics, the second law of thermodynamics, or the law of entropy.  (Sophisticated Quotes) My children have absolutely no interest in my fame. They’re very sophisticated, and they have a spiritual perspective on material things because we go to church.  (Sophisticated Quotes) I’ve been surprised by Austin. I had a cowboy image of the place. It’s a pretty sophisticated city - in some ways, more sophisticated than Boston. And there’s a lighter feel to the place. It’s very good for my spirits.  (Sophisticated Quotes) To keep your he-man jaw muscles from smashing your precious teeth, the only set you have, the body evolved an automated braking system faster and more sophisticated than anything on a Lexus. The jaw knows its own strength. The faster and more recklessly you close your mouth, the less force the muscles are willing to apply.  (Sophisticated Quotes) Drinking a cup of coffee with your eyes closed isn’t a sophisticated task for a person, but it’s hard for a robot.  (Sophisticated Quotes) In the metropolitan haunts of the highly sophisticated, the cocktail is no longer an instrument of friendship but a competitive fashion statement, or one-upmanship.  (Sophisticated Quotes) With each passing year, because of advances in computer technology, there are more things, each more sophisticated, that we aren’t allowed to do any more.  (Sophisticated Quotes) In a movie, it’s often important to have aliens whose gestures and facial expressions can be ‘read’ by humans. And in the days before sophisticated computer animation, most extraterrestrial bit players were guys in rubber suits. Such practical considerations forced Hollywood’s hand when it came to aliens - they look like us for good reasons.  (Sophisticated Quotes) And if you were a very sophisticated con artist, what would you do to convince people that you were from the future? What benefits would that give you? For us, it’s also a question of, Is she or isn’t she? That’s really a major part of the movie.  (Sophisticated Quotes) Freedom is the most sophisticated form of control. The best lies use the truth.  (Sophisticated Quotes) Pakistan has accepted some security training from the CIA, but U.S. export restrictions and Pakistani suspicions have prevented the two countries from sharing the most sophisticated technology for safeguarding nuclear components.  (Sophisticated Quotes) I must confess that in my teens and twenties, I loved ‘Mansfield Park’ rather in spite of Fanny than because of her. Like Fanny’s rich, sophisticated cousins, I didn’t really get her.  (Sophisticated Quotes)
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