Sorrow Quotes

Text Quotes
There is nothing that stirs in the whole world of thought to which sorrow does not vibrate in terrible and exquisite pulsation (Sorrow Quotes)
I now see that sorrow, being the supreme emotion of which man is capable, is at once the type and test of all great art (Sorrow Quotes)
Tears are often to be found where there is little sorrow, and the deepest sorrow without any tears (Sorrow Quotes)
He that would soothe sorrow must not argue on the vanity of the most deceitful hopes (Sorrow Quotes)
That farewell kiss which resembles greeting, that last glance of love which becomes the sharpest pang of sorrow (Sorrow Quotes)
There is a burden of care in getting riches; fear in keeping them; temptation in using them; guilt in abusing them; sorrow in losing them; and a burden of account at last to be given concerning them (Sorrow Quotes)
Many an inherited sorrow that has marred a life has been breathed into no human ear (Sorrow Quotes)
The garden of love is green without limit and yields many fruits other than sorrow or joy. Love is beyond either condition: without spring, without autumn, it is always fresh (Sorrow Quotes)
Joy and sorrow are inseparable... together they come and when one sits alone with you.. remember that the other is asleep upon your bed (Sorrow Quotes)
If the descent is thus sometimes performed in sorrow, it can also take place in joy (Sorrow Quotes)
Listen. To live is to be marked. To live is to change, to acquire the words of a story, and that is the only celebration we mortals really know. In perfect stillness, frankly, I’ve only found sorrow (Sorrow Quotes)
They gave themselves up wholly to their sorrow, seeking increase of wretchedness in every reflection that could afford it, and resolved against ever admitting consolation in future (Sorrow Quotes)
Only people who are capable of loving strongly can also suffer great sorrow, but this same necessity of loving serves to counteract their grief and heals them (Sorrow Quotes)
They came to know the incorrigible sorrow of all prisoners and exiles, which is to live in company with a memory that serves no purpose (Sorrow Quotes)
Sorrow comes in great waves... but rolls over us, and though it may almost smother us, it leaves us. And we know that if it is strong, we are stronger, inasmuch as it passes and we remain (Sorrow Quotes)
There are some times... when the love for people is strong and warm like a sorrow (Sorrow Quotes)
Sorrow is how we learn to love. Your heart isn’t breaking. It hurts because it’s getting larger. The larger it gets, the more love it holds (Sorrow Quotes)
Hearts united in pain and sorrow will not be separated by joy and happiness. Bonds that are woven in sadness are stronger than the ties of joy and pleasure. Love that is washed by tears will remain eternally pure and faithful (Sorrow Quotes)
So how on earth can I bring a child into the world, knowing that such sorrow lies ahead, that it is such a large part of what it means to be human? I’m not sure. That’s my answer: I’m not sure (Sorrow Quotes)
You must reach inside yourselves where I live like a story, not old, not young laughing at my own sorrow, weeping pearls at weddings, wielding a torch to melt sand into something clear and bright (Sorrow Quotes)
The sorrow that lay cold in her mother’s heart... converted it into a tomb (Sorrow Quotes)
There is quite enough sorrow and shame and suffering and baseness in real life, and there is no need for meeting it unnecessarily in fiction (Sorrow Quotes)
His hand is cool on my cheek as he paints a tear beneath my left eye, dark blue and swollen with sorrow (Sorrow Quotes)
Yet there be certain times in a young man’s life, when, through great sorrow or sin, all the boy in him is burnt and seared away so that he passes at one step to the more sorrowful state of manhood (Sorrow Quotes)
Although not a very old man, I have yet lived a great deal in my life, and I have known sorrow too bitter and joy too keen to allow me to become either cast down or elated for more than a very brief period over any success or defeat (Sorrow Quotes)
Solitude has soft, silky hands, but with strong fingers it grasps the heart and makes it ache with sorrow (Sorrow Quotes)
All the emotions have something in common. People are quite aware of the sorrow there always is in lust, but they are not so aware of the lust there is in sorrow (Sorrow Quotes)
There is, I am convinced, no picture that conveys in all its dreadfulness, a vision of sorrow, despairing, remediless, supreme. If I could paint such a picture, the canvas would show only a woman looking down at her empty arms (Sorrow Quotes)
Anne always remembered the silvery, peaceful beauty and fragrant calm of that night. It was the last night before sorrow touched her life; and no life is ever quite the same again when once that cold, sanctifying touch has been laid upon it (Sorrow Quotes)
I feel that books, just like people, have a destiny. Some invite sorrow, others joy, some both (Sorrow Quotes)