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Sorrows Quotes

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Anything but enlightenment is pure pain; it is the lack of enlightenment. There are joys, of course, and they should be enjoyed. There are sorrows, and they should be passed over briefly  (Sorrows Quotes) The experiences you’ll have, the people you’ll love, the jobs, the joys, the sorrows, the way you’ll die. It is all predestined, unless you will a change  (Sorrows Quotes) Why since I am myself subject to birth, ageing, disease, death, sorrows and defilement, do I seek after what is also subject to these things? Suppose, being myself subject these things, seeking danger in them, I were to seek the unborn, unageing, und  (Sorrows Quotes) The art of life consists in taking each event which befalls us with a contented mind, confident of good.... With this method... rejoice always, though in the midst of sorrows, and possess all things, though destitute of everything  (Sorrows Quotes) Through the pursuit of beauty we shape the world as a home, and in doing so we both amplify our joys and find consolation for our sorrows  (Sorrows Quotes) When you play the game for fun, it’s fun. When you play it for a living, it’s a game of sorrows  (Sorrows Quotes) Everything that was not suffered to the end and finally concluded, recurred, and the same sorrows were undergone  (Sorrows Quotes) What is the sign of a friend? Is it that he tells you his secret sorrows? No, it is that he tells you his secret joys. Many people will confide their secret sorrows to you, but the final mark of intimacy is when they share their secret joys with you  (Sorrows Quotes) Young people have many pleasures and many sorrows, because they only have themselves to think of, so every wish and every notion assume importance; every pleasure is tasted to the full, but also every sorrow, and many who find that their wishes cannot be fulfilled, immediately put an end to their lives  (Sorrows Quotes) Children are overbearing, supercilious, passionate, envious, inquisitive, egotistical, idle, fickle, timid, intemperate, liars, and dissemblers; they laugh and weep easily, are excessive in their joys and sorrows, and that about the most trifling objects; they bear no pain, but like to inflict it on others; already they are men  (Sorrows Quotes) True love will not brook reserve; it feels undervalued and outraged, when even the sorrows of those it loves are concealed from it  (Sorrows Quotes) How fleeting the sorrows of youth, how slight the foundations on which the young build towers of despair  (Sorrows Quotes) More lightly do his sorrows press upon a man, when to a friend or fellow traveller he tells his griefs  (Sorrows Quotes) Childhood is only the beautiful and happy time in contemplation and retrospect: to the child it is full of deep sorrows, the meaning of which is unknown  (Sorrows Quotes) I hid myself within myself... and quietly wrote down all my joys, sorrows and contempt in my diary  (Sorrows Quotes) Can anybody tell what sorrows are locked up with our best affections, or what pain may be associated with every pleasure?  (Sorrows Quotes) The human soul, by once suffering as much as it is capable of, purchases a strange and terrible immunity to all the rest of life’s sorrows  (Sorrows Quotes) The sorrows we imagine are more profound and inconsolable than real life leaves us time for  (Sorrows Quotes) Every sorrow suggests a thousand songs, and every song recalls a thousand sorrows, and so they are infinite in number, and all the same  (Sorrows Quotes) Half of our sorrows come from setting exalted standards for people and then breaking our hearts when they fail to live up to them  (Sorrows Quotes) I saw the desert, it grew upon me. There are times, when I have sorrows, that I hunger and thirst for it  (Sorrows Quotes) Love all the people you can. The sufferings from love are not to be compared to the sorrows of loneliness  (Sorrows Quotes) Oh, how miserable it is to have no one to share your sorrows and joys, and, when your heart is heavy, to have no soul to whom you can pour out your woes  (Sorrows Quotes) The commonality in the human experience is the same. We have the same sorrows, and the same triumphs. Joy is joy is joy  (Sorrows Quotes) I’m slowly becoming a repository for decomposing sorrows, regrets, ignored injustice, and forgotten promises. I can still feel its stench. But when I get accustomed to it, I will call it experience  (Sorrows Quotes) It’s all very well to read about sorrows and imagine yourself living through them heroically, but it’s not so nice when you really come to have them, is it?  (Sorrows Quotes) Becoming an actor has really helped me as a human being. The joys in my life I feel are more joyful, and the sorrows I feel are a bit sadder, but I find I’m more in tune with my feelings as a human being and others as well  (Sorrows Quotes) In this world, full often, our joys are only the tender shadows which our sorrows cast  (Sorrows Quotes) There are people who are always anticipating trouble, and in this way they manage to enjoy many sorrows that never really happen to them  (Sorrows Quotes) Participate joyfully in the sorrows of the world. We cannot cure the world of sorrows, but we can choose to live in joy  (Sorrows Quotes)
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