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It would be interesting if this sitcom works, so I could be doing one thing all the time instead of going back and forth between all this different media which I sort of thrive on, I’m a bit of a moving target in that way  (Sort Quotes) I’ve been on the show for six years and I don’t even know what her history is. I sort of make things up in my mind, but I think it’s hard for an audience to follow and invest in a character when they don’t have the details  (Sort Quotes) If you’ve got a lot of children, I think you let the other children bring them up more and you just sort of step in and do stuff like every now and again  (Sort Quotes) I have no reason to sit home and write songs all day without going out and playing for the folks. And I have no reason to go play for the folks unless I’m writing new songs so they can sort of feed off one another. And I just try to do the best I can  (Sort Quotes) If the market is left to sort matters out, social injustice will be heightened and suffering in the community will grow with the neglect the market fosters  (Sort Quotes) I have this certain vision of the way I want my comics to look; this sort of photographic realism, but with a certain abstraction that comics can give. It’s kind of a fine line  (Sort Quotes) I have friends who’ve tried suicide many times and haven’t succeeded. I myself made an attempt, so I had a connection with that sort of group of people who have tried suicide at one time in their lives  (Sort Quotes) I think suicide is sort of like cancer was 50 years ago. People don’t want to talk about it, they don’t want to know about it. People are frightened of it, and they don’t understand, when actually these issues are medically treatable  (Sort Quotes) I think that finding a way into somebody’s life that’s sort of off from a side angle can tell you more about that person than a greatest hits approach  (Sort Quotes) I figure you’re only here for a matter of moments. Ever since I was a kid watching movies I’ve always wanted to make people laugh or have some sort of emotional reaction  (Sort Quotes) There’s got to be something you want to tell and that’s the engine which spurs all of the work you have to do in order to create the story, but you have to love some sort of nugget of what you’re telling to be a filmmaker  (Sort Quotes) I looked it at like this way. To get folks to like you, as a screen player I mean, I figured you had to sort of be their ideal. I don’t mean a handsome knight riding a white horse, but a fella who answered the description of a right guy  (Sort Quotes) I think everybody had difficulties with that dynamic, turning the family into a band and being constantly together. So everybody, as individuals. had things to sort out  (Sort Quotes) He was always sort of a scrappy little kid wasn’t he? A bit of a fighter?  (Sort Quotes) He knows that you have ability and what he does is he manipulates it and sort of empowers you  (Sort Quotes) I’m a layperson. I barely got out of high school. I have no business telling people what to do or my big philosophy on life. I’m certainly not going to write any sort of memoir  (Sort Quotes) Good actors can sort of see into people and immediately you have a chemistry with them or not. It’s like an affair with no mess  (Sort Quotes) I don’t ever want to be doing the same sort of thing, I never want to be typecast, because I have way too much to give to be sort of, to always be the hot chick in the movie  (Sort Quotes) I don’t like anything that’s too confining. I’m sort of a control freak, so anything that makes me feel like I’m out of control is a bit uncomfortable. But you know how it is, sometimes it’s good to live a little!  (Sort Quotes) I used to have a sort of spiky haircut and it just feels better to have short hair again  (Sort Quotes) I’m just trying to keep my mind and my body active. The tough part about it is that physically I’m sort of limited  (Sort Quotes) I mean the only thing that is hopefully good about us is after the arguments we can actually still face each other the next day or the day after and talk about something else and sort of get over it  (Sort Quotes) I think I would make a good spy. I can sort of be a chameleon. People don’t notice me very easily. I never get recognized  (Sort Quotes) The problem with a purely collective system is not only that it requires economic growth, and the right sort of demographic trends, but that it prevents people thinking about their futures in a responsible way  (Sort Quotes) I think it’s important that the rest of the world know that we’re not all the same and that we don’t all have the sort of arrogance it feels like they’re perceiving from our leaders  (Sort Quotes) I don’t like looking back. I’m always constantly looking forward. I’m not the one to sort of sit and cry over spilt milk. I’m too busy looking for the next cow  (Sort Quotes) I questioned her further, and eventually got to talk to her doctor. And her doctor sort of shook his head and he said, I have examined her for throat cancer at least 15 times in the past few years  (Sort Quotes) It’s sort of the most important thing for acting, is to listen to the person you’re dealing with  (Sort Quotes) It is kind of tedious after a while, to parse politicians doing the same thing over and over again. The facts change from week to week, but the sort of masquerade doesn’t  (Sort Quotes) Similarly, only people as misanthropic as myself can be counted on not to have to lie to others, since we have the unique luxury of not caring what sort of opinions others formulate about us  (Sort Quotes)
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