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Everything I do is part of my passion. I do the things I like to do. It’s sort of a bigger version of having more than one hobby. I love to play piano, sing, and act. I love to do all those things  (Sort Quotes) But, you know, I’m sorry, I think democracy requires participation. I mean, I don’t want to proselytize but I do feel some sort of duty to participate in the process in some way other than just blindly getting behind a political party  (Sort Quotes) As it stands, motherhood is a sort of wilderness through which each woman hacks her way, part martyr, part pioneer; a turn of events from which some women derive feelings of heroism, while others experience a sense of exile from the world they knew  (Sort Quotes) I guess they often cast me as the bad guy, because I’m not, er, conventional looking. I look sort of violent. I’m the odd one out, the outsider  (Sort Quotes) I like to go and do something adventurous. I like to go out and do some sort of crazy activity  (Sort Quotes) A lot of comedies fall apart because they just go from joke to joke, and the characters are all sort of being crazy off on their own  (Sort Quotes) My style of comedy is very real and bittersweet, and sort of always on the verge of kind of being tragic  (Sort Quotes) I’ve got no dark secrets, I wasn’t beaten up, my parents were kind to me and there was a low crime rate where we lived. Maybe that’s where the comedy comes from, as some sort of reaction to the safe, boring suburbs  (Sort Quotes) Filmmaking is always sort of building a mosaic of this arc of what the character is going through  (Sort Quotes) Promises to get beyond partisanship are the most perfunctory sort of campaign rhetoric, almost as empty as the partisanship itself  (Sort Quotes) Any guitar solo should reflect the music that it’s soloing over and not just be existing in its own sort of little world  (Sort Quotes) I think that you can sort of have your own personal journey and you know, you can just kind of apply that to whatever characters you’re playing  (Sort Quotes) I think I have my own sort of distinctive swing, for sure. I think that’s something that comes really natural to me, to push against the beat and kind of explore a triplet feel behind everything just to see what that feels like  (Sort Quotes) I was super brainy and a proper geek at school, but there would always be a boy. But that sort of obsession did turn me into a songwriter. My writing has always come from that feeling of infatuation  (Sort Quotes) The whole 1950s notion was find the right girl, get married, move to the suburbs and then hang out with the guys while she stayed home with the babies. I felt that was sort of sad  (Sort Quotes) As the son of a feminist mother, I grew up with the idea that work was a sort of salvation for women as it would give them freedom from the domestic grind. Now it seems work is a form of slavery, undertaken out of apparent compulsion rather than choice  (Sort Quotes) Amazingly, I’ve been sort of an anomaly in the music industry. I feel like I’ve been able to exist as kind of a throwback artist  (Sort Quotes) I’ve always dreamt of having some sort of undercover job. I think it’s probably the coolest thing in the world, but ultimately a very lonely life  (Sort Quotes) When you’re scared, you’re still hanging on to life. When you’re ready to die, you let it go. A sort of emptying out occurs, a giving up on the world that seems oddly familiar even if you’ve never done it before  (Sort Quotes) There’s a sort of sibling moratorium when you’re establishing yourself as an adult. So much of your energy has to be focused on other things like work and kids. But when people become more settled, siblings tend to regroup because now you’re building a new extended family  (Sort Quotes) I’ve got no timetable. I’m sort of sick of timetables, to be honest  (Sort Quotes) I don’t think that I would consider myself a feminist. I think that I certainly believe in equal rights, I believe that women are just as capable, if not more so in a lot of different dimensions, but I don’t, I think have, sort of, the militant drive and the sort of, the chip on the shoulder that sometimes comes with that  (Sort Quotes) Doing things like playing music, something that’s so natural and basic to human function, running around in nature, eating delicious food. These things are intrinsic in basic, primordial to human beings, so that’s sort of a way to return to a blank canvas, allowing my true personality to return  (Sort Quotes) Every teenager deals in his or her own sexuality and has to face it and figure out how it can coincide with the rest of their lives in a healthy manner. And try to navigate it in our modern society, which is wrought with stigma and taboo and repression, and sort of as a result, these inner monsters that some teenagers really struggle with  (Sort Quotes) I’m always sort of anticipating life being difficult, but on a basic level, that’s sort of on the surface, on a basic level, I’m optimistic in the sense that I think it’s all going to be alright in the end  (Sort Quotes) I couldn’t speak well. I went to speech therapy for 10 years. And I was sort of frustrated in that sense  (Sort Quotes) Tax dollars intended for science education must not be used to teach creationism as any sort of real explanation of nature, because any observation or process of inference about our origin and the nature of the universe disproves creationism in every respect  (Sort Quotes) I was the youngest in my family. When the other kids went to school, my mother would make them breakfast and then she would go back to bed for an hour, so I was sort of babysat by television  (Sort Quotes) You’re sort of programmed a certain way because of your environment. That’s all you know. But we don’t have that anymore because of the internet. Because of the internet we’re all communicating with each other all across the board, so you’re getting information from people all around the world, hitting a much more diverse slice of culture  (Sort Quotes) I hate to sound sort of diffident about it but it strikes me that a lot of people on the right have got active lives and are doing other things  (Sort Quotes)
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