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I think we sort of are all fans of love really, if you’re not then you’re too cynical aren’t you?  (Sort Quotes) I wanted to be an actor, and when that day happened that was sort of like the end. Now let it take me  (Sort Quotes) I do always like to do things I haven’t done before, so I’m always looking out for things in a different genre, or a different sort of character  (Sort Quotes) You can’t be angsty all day or else it becomes a sort of pale angst  (Sort Quotes) There are people who are just very, very sniffy and snobby and have always sort of looked down their noses at me  (Sort Quotes) The body is sort of a pain. It has to go to the bathroom. It has to be comfortable. But the spirit is indestructible. It can move at the speed of light  (Sort Quotes) I’m fascinated by the journey that an intelligent and an ambitious woman makes in the professional world in contrast to the journey that a man of similar ambition, of similar intelligence makes. What sort of concessions does a woman have to make? Does she have to work 20 percent harder than a man?  (Sort Quotes) I made sure that instead of people making fun of me, like every comedian probably says, I made fun of myself first so they would get distracted and just laugh. I was pretty brutally picked on for a while growing up. It was always the really pretty girls, the hot girls and then there was me. So I had to do something to get any sort of attention  (Sort Quotes) Describing comic sensibility is near impossible. It’s sort of an abstract silliness, that sometimes the joke isn’t the star  (Sort Quotes) I tend to be the type who is overly polite and sort of ingratiating to other people  (Sort Quotes) I used to be really nervous when I sang. Like, when I was a kid starting young, 18 and 19, and my dad really had to sort of push me to start singing in front of people. Ever since I got out there and really started doing it, the only thing I’ve ever tried to do is just sort of is be myself, you know, never put on a voice. Sing naturally  (Sort Quotes) This may sound mad, but you sort of assume that no one’s going to watch what you do. You go on set, have a lovely time, and then you forget anyone’s going to see it. So it’s always a bit of a shock to be recognized. I get terribly embarrassed  (Sort Quotes) Theater is an engagement between the actor and the audience. Film is a different sort of medium. It’s not immediate, but in some ways it’s more involving  (Sort Quotes) In my career, I’ve really wanted to sort of be a morpher and not show my own identity  (Sort Quotes) I love doing action scenes, there’s that great thing when you sort of stop acting because if you’re running, you’re not acting like you’re running, you are just actually running  (Sort Quotes) I think most people in the developed world would admit to carrying some sort of handheld device, whether it’s a laptop or a cell phone, at all times  (Sort Quotes) Ultimately, there’s always been a link between comic books and video games, and comic books and movies, and then basically all three steadily becoming this sort of transmedia  (Sort Quotes) I’ve sort of closed my mind off to reality shows: I just don’t watch them, don’t care about them, don’t know who the characters are, but they’re all in general usage  (Sort Quotes) That’s a frustration sometimes, that certain directors that I’d like to work with, they just aren’t doing stories that I’m sort of castable in. Not always, but sometimes I have that frustration  (Sort Quotes) I had this sense that I was part of, sort of a lineage of artists and writers through history that have had mood disorders  (Sort Quotes) My mother was a very difficult woman to please. She was the sort of woman who thought that if I were praised I would get above myself  (Sort Quotes) I actually wanted to become a model agent, and went into what ended up becoming my first agency for a job interview. They ended up suggesting I model instead. I guess I sort of fell into it  (Sort Quotes) And I guess I have a face and a look that sort of lends itself to period costume!  (Sort Quotes) I spend a lot of time in a sort of free state when I’m writing in the beginning and sketching  (Sort Quotes) It slightly depends on your perspective, sort of how you look at these things, but when I sit down to write a script, I’m not planning to write a script; I’m planning to make a film, and so I only see the script as being just a step there  (Sort Quotes) My one complaint with my father as a parent is that, not only was he not a golfer, but also he was sort of opposed to golf. I was a country club kid growing up. I should have played golf, but my father thought golf was a sport for old men  (Sort Quotes) None of my books has been ever in my head; after they’re finished, they go. It’s like being a sort of medium; you just grab it when it’s there then just release it when it’s time to go. There’s a lot of instinct, not planning  (Sort Quotes) Writing and creating, those things come to me on their own. I feel like... you sort of summon them and it’s like allowing the universe to enter your heart in an entirely different way to what it normally does. It’s like inviting that energy of the universe to enter into your craft in a way where it has a meaning  (Sort Quotes) People are so used to having their lives filmed, they’re not even conscious of having cameras around. I still have that sort of suspicion when a camera comes out. I view it as a thing to fear  (Sort Quotes) I’m a massive daydreamer. I’m constantly lost within my own fantasies and my own thoughts personally, and I think maybe that is sort of represented in what we do for a living, the fact that we make believe everything and we escape into these other characters for a living  (Sort Quotes)
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