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The only thing I change mainly is my sneakers. I love sneakers. But everything’s sort of black or jeans. Jeans, always  (Sort Quotes) I grew up sort of a geeky, tall kid, and I think I was always the one trying to make my friends laugh  (Sort Quotes) I also sort of find the idea that not only do actors want to please when they’re onstage, I find actors really want to please off stage a lot of the time, don’t they?  (Sort Quotes) The trouble is that right now I want to put as much work into football as I can. It’s very important for me to get off to a good start. By the same token, I feel a responsibility to handle the media and those sort of things  (Sort Quotes) I sort of make believe. That’s why I like acting. You can create or imagine anything  (Sort Quotes) We cannot turn our back and say that violence in films or anything that we do doesn’t have a sort of influence. It does  (Sort Quotes) I had a mother I could only seem to please with verbal accomplishments of some sort or another. She read constantly, so I read constantly. If I used words that might have seemed surprising at a young age, she would recognize that and it would please her  (Sort Quotes) I loved it, but had to forget about acting after elementary school because it was the sort of thing you just didn’t do in my rough neighborhood  (Sort Quotes) I find that the hot yoga is sort of a false thing, so your body temperature goes up and you can stretch and you can injure yourself a little bit easier than if you work yourself into... if you heat yourself up  (Sort Quotes) I always tend to see, right after reading the script, the character and how I want to play it. I guess that’s sort of most of the work, preparing for the role, but almost the creation of the character seems to go on as I read through the script  (Sort Quotes) I think I’m sort of blind to genre. As long as it has a sort of honesty about it, which I think you’ll hear in whatever music you respond to, then I think it doesn’t need to be called anything particularly  (Sort Quotes) I live in a sort of insular world. It’s mostly my family, my house, staying home and working  (Sort Quotes) I would say that maybe directors who act as well are easier with actors. I’m not saying that all directors have this, but sometimes you’ll come across a director who sort of looks at an actor a bit like a kind of untrained horse that’s been let out of the stable, like they might buck him  (Sort Quotes) I can’t express how wonderful it is to get feedback when you’ve been sort of in a bubble working on something and then you release it to the world and hope for the best. It’s like the birth of a musical baby  (Sort Quotes) When there’s a status quo, usually what shakes everybody up is some sort of military confrontation, at which point we all come running and screaming to pick up the pieces  (Sort Quotes) I think I did a lot of really stupid stuff really quickly in my twenties and that sort of led me to want to sort of just relax a little bit. Relax a lot  (Sort Quotes) A comedian is sort of like a wild animal. It really just depends on where you catch them. Sometimes they want to cuddle up, and sometimes they’ll snap at you. But for me, more often than not, if I’m talking to somebody who makes their living in comedy, it’ll be a very thoughtful conversation driven from an emotionally honest place  (Sort Quotes) Film work can be tedious and sort of all over the place, especially when you have a family and you’re going off and doing things somewhere else  (Sort Quotes) I’ve done comedy, and I’ve done drama. I’ve sort of been a journeyman in my career so far  (Sort Quotes) You know, I’ve just always been sort of goofy and kind of gone with it. I actually usually work more in drama, but I have been floating back and forth with comedy, and somehow they keep giving me jobs in comedy, so I guess there’s something funny about me  (Sort Quotes) I just sort of try to be a good person; try to write music that lifts people and makes me feel good to sing  (Sort Quotes) I’ve never been a size zero, let me say that here and now. I’ve never been that sort of person  (Sort Quotes) Songwriting helps me sort out my personal problems. With acting, you’re just a tool for someone’s ideas  (Sort Quotes) I have to get a licence to drive a motorcycle to protect myself and the people around me. I am adamant there should be some sort of licensing required to have children  (Sort Quotes) Women, more often than not, do things which aren’t remotely relaxing but are all about preening, which is just another sort of work  (Sort Quotes) I’m a great believer that the most important years are the sort of early years but the preschool years and then into the first and second grades. If you get a good base in the first and second grade and you can read, you can do anything  (Sort Quotes) Because there is that sort of feeling that people don’t know what to do with gaps in their lives. It’s a scary notion, but actually, if you can stand in space just for a little while, a new door will open, or you’ll be able to see in the dark after a while. You’ll adjust  (Sort Quotes) People think that as a celebrity, you have to have this sort of mystique about you, but I’m probably the realest person you’ll ever meet  (Sort Quotes) I love classical music; I love the way it’s worked... all those chord sequences so I often use that sort of effect in my solos  (Sort Quotes) If you’re going to play a prostitute, you can’t be too squeamish about that sort of thing. It’s just part of the job, since the role requires it  (Sort Quotes)
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