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I don’t think schooling of any sort really prepares you for real life. I don’t know if art school would have prepared me to draw comics. Half of the people I know in comics went to art school, half of them didn’t. Some of them went and dropped out  (Sort Quotes) There can be no causeless love or any sort of causeless emotion. An emotion is a response to a fact of reality, an estimate dictated by your standards  (Sort Quotes) I think it’s the pain and suffering that drive you to become an artist. The art itself should be the pain, sort of exorcising every demon and making you feel like you’re a person that matters  (Sort Quotes) The job of the writer is to look at where he is now and make some sort of emotional sense of it, not only for that moment but for years to come  (Sort Quotes) A studio allows me more freedom. You can create your own sort of reality which is actually more exciting than shooting on location. You can conjure up a complete atmosphere of escapism for the public  (Sort Quotes) I seem to be able to just sort of sink and slide under the radar, which is nice  (Sort Quotes) If you feel uncomfortable on stage, you can very easily descend into a sort of abyss, convinced you’re the worst actor ever, that you’re a disgrace to the profession, that you’re a disgrace to yourself. It’s an awful feeling  (Sort Quotes) I’ve done thousands of interviews in my life, and it’s a format that I quite enjoy, because I think of questions in interviews as an opportunity to sort of gauge my growth in a way. It gives me an idea of how I’m navigating this world that I’m in  (Sort Quotes) Choosing sepia is all to do with trying to make the image look romantic and idealistic. It’s sort of a soft version of propaganda  (Sort Quotes) The drug dealers, they sympathize with me. They see me as some sort of pathetic character  (Sort Quotes) I am sort of an adventurer. I like to explore new places. I don’t get to travel as often as I would like but I love it  (Sort Quotes) I just like to talk to people. I don’t know how to bridge the gap between getting to know someone and then schmoozing and sort of working contacts and business connections  (Sort Quotes) I’m certainly not a person who spends their every waking moment soaking themselves in signs and signals of the sort that cult studies people study; and it’s partly, I suppose, because some of those signs and signals aren’t worth bothering about. You have to be selective about these things  (Sort Quotes) We would willingly have others perfect, and yet we amend not our own faults. We would have others severely corrected and will not be corrected ourselves. The large liberty of others displeases us, and yet we will not have our own desires denied us. We will have others kept under by strict laws, but in no sort will ourselves be restrained. And thus it appears how seldom we weigh our neighbor in the same balance with ourselves  (Sort Quotes) Most people exist in very clouded states of mind. It’s sort of like when you’re underwater in a big swimming pool and you open your eyes, and you can’t see very far and everything is distorted  (Sort Quotes) That economics and finance are often covered as technical subjects, sort of boring subjects, and either you already know a lot about it and you follow it, or you don’t know much about it and you don’t want to know  (Sort Quotes) I think you never want to have to go into the scene having to improvise; you want to make sure its working on the page. But I do like to have the ability to try stuff just in the moment, to give it some sort of spontaneity  (Sort Quotes) I love history. I’m very interested by it and I think it’s great to have a movie that brings it alive in a way. It’s sort of that romanticized version of it  (Sort Quotes) Watching my daughter sort of live in this world where a photograph is not something to keep a memory. It’s something to just speak with. It’s language  (Sort Quotes) I’ve always quite liked the idea of being an archeologist, sort of scrubbing around in the dirt  (Sort Quotes) I do think you have sort of a general philosophical approach that you want from a justice, and I think a strict constructionist would be probably the way I’d describe it  (Sort Quotes) I just think, as writers, especially with a book that takes years to write, you sort of wake up every morning hoping and praying that you can make it work for the day  (Sort Quotes) There are just certain sounds, music, that sort of you know people are going to like it  (Sort Quotes) Lost is a mystery show, so I think that would be stripping the franchise of sort of its essential nature  (Sort Quotes) This is going to sound crazy, but I can hear music in my head. I can imagine a piano or a guitar playing, and I can sort of think out  (Sort Quotes) I can sort of will that stuff to happen to me if I put myself in the right headspace. Then I can actually get to a space where it won’t just be one song that comes through, but a series of them  (Sort Quotes) For the most part you are dealing with jealousy, you are dealing with love, you’re dealing with hatred, you are dealing with revenge and all of these sort of classic things  (Sort Quotes) I’m always sort of optimistic about how good we are, as a country, at fixing ourselves  (Sort Quotes) Perhaps it is not without reason that we attribute facility in belief and conviction to simplicity and ignorance; for it seems to me I once learned that belief was sort of an impression made on our mind, and that the softer it is the less resistant t  (Sort Quotes) As a matter of fact student riots of one sort or another, protests against the order that is, kicks against college and university management indicate a healthy growth and a normal functioning of the academic mind  (Sort Quotes)
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