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I have a sort of waking nightmare: to get this thing just about completed, and the last day to discover one little part that doesn’t quite fit with the adjacent part  (Sort Quotes) I’ve come to accept who my readers turn out to be, rather than having some sort of demographic target  (Sort Quotes) We need to walk, just as birds need to fly. We need to be around other people. We need beauty. We need contact with nature. And most of all, we need not to be excluded. We need to feel some sort of equality  (Sort Quotes) I find men’s clothing fascinating because sometime between, say, 1930 and 1936 a handful of basic shapes were created and still prevail as a sort of scale of expression, with which every man can project his own personality and his own dignity  (Sort Quotes) Solitude becomes a sort of tangible enemy, the more dangerous, because it dwells within the citadel itself  (Sort Quotes) You can’t have a laugh track that sort of tells the audience when to laugh and, you know, it’s difficult to find those moments  (Sort Quotes) I always like to have an atlas just so that I can find things out. It’s always good to have an almanac; those sort of things  (Sort Quotes) I think my weakness as a writer is a limited imagination, and I think my strength is a talent for reflecting the world, or sort of curating things out of the world and putting them into books  (Sort Quotes) I’ve written a number of songs over the years and it’s a big part of my life, this sort of tension between a longing for home and the call for the open road. It’s sort of like a tug between two families. I even love to miss my home  (Sort Quotes) I do three things. I do teaching, I do conducting and I do playing. And each one of those sort of helps the other  (Sort Quotes) You get to a certain age, and you feel like you know who you are, and how you fit into the world, and how the world sort of perceives you. And you get pretty set in that. And then things can happen that can turn it upside  (Sort Quotes) Understanding that celebrity derives from and is a result of some form of accomplishment, it’s always gratifying to work with individuals who have made some sort of contribution to society  (Sort Quotes) Once you have a situation that is fresh, then you sort of believe in it and it becomes normal. So you do end up with protagonists that haven’t been in other movies before  (Sort Quotes) I have a limitless amount of great music at my disposal and it’s very, very pleasurable because when the music goes on the film it’s amazing how much it livens up the film and gives it an emotional kick in the pants, sort of  (Sort Quotes) Unlike a child in a totally urban environment, my friends and peer group were not only other children, but also wild and domesticated animals, plants of every sort, brooks and waterfalls, rocks and sand  (Sort Quotes) Rather than listening to music while you paint, listen to the sort of wisdom that can help grow your career  (Sort Quotes) One was born a certain sort of person, and though by ceasless struggle one might become as nice as that sort of person ever is, one could never become as nice as a nicer sort of person  (Sort Quotes) Deception is a sort of seduction. In love and war, adultery and espionage, deceit can only succeed if the deceived party is willing, in some way, to be deceived  (Sort Quotes) The capacity to reason is a special sort of capacity because it can lead us to places that we did not expect to go  (Sort Quotes) I think humor is warmer, and wit is colder. Wit is judgment, whereas humor invites some sort of response  (Sort Quotes) Every man is in some sort a failure to himself. No one ever reaches the heights to which he aspires  (Sort Quotes) I live sort of in the country and I like that. It’s very quiet, it’s beautiful  (Sort Quotes) I can’t avoid writing. It’s a sort of nervous tic I have developed since I gave up needlepoint  (Sort Quotes) Iraq is sort of a situation where you’ve got a guy who drove the bus into the ditch. You obviously have to get the bus out of the ditch, and that’s not easy to do, although you probably should fire the driver  (Sort Quotes) By the bye, as I must leave off being young, I find many douceurs in being a sort of chaperon, for I am put on the sofa near the fire and can drink as much wine as I like  (Sort Quotes) Selfishness of the stable or rigid sort is as a rule more bitterly resented than the more fickle variety, chiefly, no doubt, because, having more continuity and purpose, it is more formidable  (Sort Quotes) When I first started, I didn’t really know how to structure a play. I could write dialogue, but I just sort of failed beyond that, and kind of went wherever I wanted to go  (Sort Quotes) Whatever our ignorance left to itself, and whatever the wounds that other human beings are, we ought to study ourselves with a sort of devotion  (Sort Quotes) If you’re an actor and you don’t act for a long time you sort of think, I wonder if I can still do it  (Sort Quotes) I sometimes wonder if what I create as a writer will leave any sort of dent. There’s really no way of knowing, so I just have to keep going  (Sort Quotes)
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