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You can only write so many pop songs before they all sound the same. I got to a point where something overtly melodic and straightforward sounded sort of cheesy to me. Pop songs seemed too manufactured  (Sort Quotes) Every time you write a song, you’re looking for some sort of perfection, and you never quite reach it. You’re always looking for that extra missing piece  (Sort Quotes) Whereas in a memory you edit things out and sort of restructure the things to seem a little bit more heroic, or to focus on particular aspects that magnify or reduce certain things  (Sort Quotes) Put a symbol, or language of some sort, in a painting and it will be noticed by the viewer whether or not they can read that particular language  (Sort Quotes) Artists need not meet any standards to practice their craft... Virtually every other occupation requires some sort of license, union membership or something that says you are qualified  (Sort Quotes) Perhaps society should give actors the same sort of protection it gives to those who follow a religious life. Actor/priest was originally the same job. The theater is left wing magic and theology is right wing magic  (Sort Quotes) I think we all live dichotomies. I’m a father of three boys and a loyal homebody sort of husband and father. And yet I act in movies and write and direct movies  (Sort Quotes) When I wasn’t working I didn’t know what to do with myself and sort of didn’t exist, in a way, when I wasn’t working, so I was like two different people. I am not like that anymore  (Sort Quotes) I have a personality defect where I sort of refuse to see myself as an underdog... It’s because of my parents. They raised me with the entitlement of a tall, blond, white man  (Sort Quotes) I feel like if you are with someone through the process of pregnancy and delivery, if nothing else, there is such an incredible amount of respect that would lead into some sort of love in one way or another  (Sort Quotes) There’s something about moonlight on the body and things happening sort of free and open. Outdoors is something I’m totally game and down for  (Sort Quotes) I loved the world of roller derby because I thought it was such an empowering metaphor, that you get out there and do it. It’s such a rocker, athletic, capable, cool exhibitionist sport; it’s about this great sort of camaraderie  (Sort Quotes) At every stage in life you think about death. But teenagers especially are sort of invincible. They’re not supposed to be thinking about dying yet, or else they’d be too afraid to live  (Sort Quotes) When I was in high school, I would perform every year in those plays and there was something I really loved about it. But I was completely unaware that you could sort of get into an acting career  (Sort Quotes) I love films. I love music. I love poetry and stories. All of that I feel I sort of get very excited and fed by  (Sort Quotes) I’ve noticed that, while I can’t help but respect and sort of envy the moral nerve of people who truly do not care what others think of them, people like this also make me nervous, and I tend to do my admiring from a safe distance  (Sort Quotes) It seems to me that actual democracy is where all of us get to participate and it’s not just a sort of a blunt little dry hump in a ballot box, but an actual penetrative process  (Sort Quotes) I, sort of, got into comedy accidentally, and it got bigger than I wanted it to  (Sort Quotes) About this business of being a gentleman: I paid so heavily for the fourteen years of my gentleman’s education that I feel entitled, now and then, to get some sort of return  (Sort Quotes) I can’t say I was much of a gamer growing up or that I am now, but I’m certainly part of that culture or it’s part of, you know, the sort of time that I grew up in  (Sort Quotes) Anytime I’m given scripts where I’m sort of the fantasy girl, it’s hard for me because that’s not real and I don’t think it’s a great thing to put out there consistently  (Sort Quotes) I have a constant sort of melancholy approach to acting that fuels me. I want to do everything  (Sort Quotes) If you compromise in any kind of movement or any kind of wave of revolution, if you sort of play the game, things are gonna change far more slowly than you need them to  (Sort Quotes) I’m certainly not one of those actors who remain in a dark place the entire time in order to be doing the scene. I sort of come in and out of it. It can be to the detriment of my performance sometimes!  (Sort Quotes) The thing about fame, is you never think it’s going to happen to you. So when it does, it’s sort of a shock. Some people are just better at it than others  (Sort Quotes) I am always sort of delightedly surprised when someone recognizes me because as far as I’m concerned, I’m just going to work and getting paid to act, and that alone is fantastic; I forget people watch it, too  (Sort Quotes) I live out in the desert, in farm country. I’m around a lot of farmers, guys with packing houses, that sort of thing. Half the time, these guys are in their pajamas or in their slippers. It’s their place  (Sort Quotes) A lot of vices that I’ve had over the years were always to make up for some sort of character deficiency, one of them being shyness  (Sort Quotes) I think people have a strong desire to push me and others into some sort of political box that they can wrap their minds around  (Sort Quotes) Acting is a sort of pressure cooker that allows the fizz to come out the top. God knows what I’d be like if I didn’t have that  (Sort Quotes)
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