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Adolescence is a sort of underworld we have to live through. Everything is in us, even vice and crime. At the same time we discover free will. I wonder that it doesn’t tear us off our bases for good and all  (Sort Quotes) I am an incorrigible devotee to solitude, and am never so cheerful, I believe, or so unruffled by small difficulties as when I’m alone. There’s a sort of obligation to be polite and pleasant to yourself when nobody else is round  (Sort Quotes) They’re the sort of people one invites to lunch or tea, but never to dinner  (Sort Quotes) I think there is sort of a general universal perception of me, or someone who looks like me, as someone who is kind of menacing, dark or mysterious  (Sort Quotes) A large number of deaf, crippled and blind people are afflicted solely through the malice of the demon. And one must in no wise doubt that plagues, fevers and every sort of evil come from him  (Sort Quotes) With the spring a sort of inspiration is wakened in the most prosaic of us. The same spirit of change that thrills the saplings with fresh vitality sends through human veins a creeping ecstasy of new life  (Sort Quotes) I wanted to start a revolution, using art to build the sort of society I myself envisioned  (Sort Quotes) Colonialism bred an innate arrogance, but when you undertake that sort of imperial adventure, that arrogance gives way to a feeling of accommodativeness. You take pride in your openness  (Sort Quotes) Obviously, matches and all that stuff takes its toll on your body and so forth. But as you get sort of a bit older, a bit wiser, and a bit more experienced, you know also how to handle it  (Sort Quotes) Gatekeeper was sort of my first attempt to put a little bit of a frame and boundaries around songwriting, and try to figure out a way to approach it that had a sort of end result in mind. I havent written many like that  (Sort Quotes) The world is too fascinating to limit yourself to one path or one sort of people  (Sort Quotes) I had to write about realistic circumstances. Thats the way my brain works. And I think that gave me a sort of place in the field  (Sort Quotes) Men may keep a sort of level of good, but no man has ever been able to keep on one level of evil  (Sort Quotes) I just think about how saying that you love someone can make your heart feel like some sort of brownie sundae, warm, gooey, sweet and good  (Sort Quotes) It’s not like I think my art is inspirations from icons strung together. They’re just sort of people who others talk about. I am definitely interested in the masters of different genres, they’re talented and popular for a reason  (Sort Quotes) I think we all have a bunch of different people inside of us, and then for a particular role you bring a certain side of that self of yourself forward to sort of play, but it’s always really dimensionalised  (Sort Quotes) What we’re all sort of trying to do in our lives is to make the simplest things work out the best  (Sort Quotes) As a kid, I was a huge fan of movies and acting. My mom was in the sort of community theater, and I always hung around down there, and I was a massive fan of everything I’m kind of involved in now. But fairly ordinary and cheeky  (Sort Quotes) I did so much theater, where everybody I worked with was so much better than me, that I just sort of learned  (Sort Quotes) I think it’s very important that you have at least some sort of inner thing you don’t talk about. That’s why I find it distasteful when all these pop stars talk about their habits  (Sort Quotes) Some people are great, and they approach each work with honesty, and that’s wonderful. But when people have built up a sort of resentment or animosity for reasons that are hard to put your finger on, they read in bad faith  (Sort Quotes) People have sort of a problem trying to see an end to a situation as being positive or romantic  (Sort Quotes) In a way, putting actors deep into this sort of complicated universe frees them from thinking about who they should be. They just are somebody  (Sort Quotes) It’s always great to do a movie that you find is entertaining, but also can give some sort of political or social message  (Sort Quotes) The sort of movies I make are not ones that can easily be sold upfront, so I have to make them and prove their mettle before I can sell them  (Sort Quotes) In general, we are sort of conditioned to see a different body type as acceptable and maybe look away when the other body type arrives  (Sort Quotes) If you just take a single human and put him or her in the forest he or she might not do very well without some sort of education which he got or she got from some tribe  (Sort Quotes) When you ask me what I’m afraid of, I’d say I still go to see ghost movies when I get a chance or some sort of supernatural being, but it doesn’t scare me as it scared me when I was a child  (Sort Quotes) Life is sort of a circle. You come back to a lot of the interests that you had early in life  (Sort Quotes) Youll almost encounter a superstition amongst musicians, people sort of go through strange rituals, what they need to do to write a song  (Sort Quotes)
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