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Even when I’m trying to be straightforward and honest and my comments are innocent, inevitably they get turned into something sort of salacious  (Sort Quotes) Activism is setting a goal of something you would like to be different, and figuring out what would have to change to achieve that goal. It’s sort of like math  (Sort Quotes) I was really interested in piano and sort of discovered that I was a writer when I was about 13 and started writing. And it was my secret thing and my passion  (Sort Quotes) I sort of dreamed about directing before my career as an actor took off. I’ve directed stage before in so many capacities on tours. I put that together. You have to. Otherwise, it’s your statement. It’s your voice, and that has to come through  (Sort Quotes) Just because I am increasingly bored by sabermetric arcana doesn’t mean anyone else has to be; it remains good for people who like that sort of thing  (Sort Quotes) It wasn’t really until after I got out of art school that I realized that I’d been doing that sort of for the audience, for that context. Somehow, being alone in the room, it made no sense at all to make those kinds of paintings  (Sort Quotes) I always think it’s not what we know that’s terrifying; it’s what we don’t know. That’s sort of pervasive with everything in life  (Sort Quotes) It is true that I visualize music and, as I visualize music, I have some sort of story running in my head, all the time  (Sort Quotes) As a woman who has some sort of power, you have to have a man that can take that. It’s hard to find those men  (Sort Quotes) But, having a perfume and license, in general, is a financial necessity. A designer must, to reap back the money spent on prototypes and all that sort of thing  (Sort Quotes) I sort of enjoy the fact that I’m misunderstood most of the time. That’s fine  (Sort Quotes) I sort of understood that when I first started: that you shouldn’t repeat a success. Very often you’re going to, and maybe the first time you do, it works. And you love it. But then you’re trapped  (Sort Quotes) I used to be prettier than I am, but I think I look better now. I was a pretty boy. Particularly in my early movies. I don’t like looking at them so much. There’s a sort of pretty thing about me  (Sort Quotes) I’d love to write something for a male protagonist. That’s sort of the next frontier for me. I think it’d be really amazing to write the kind of parts that I love for women but for a guy  (Sort Quotes) It’s sort of a feeling of power onstage. It’s really the ability to make people smile, or just to turn them one way or another for that duration of time, and for it to have some effect later on. I don’t really think it’s power... it’s the goodness  (Sort Quotes) None of my actions have ever sort of been motored by the search for a husband or wondering if I was going to have a family someday or wanting to live in a really great house or thinking it would be really great to have a diamond  (Sort Quotes) One difference between poetry and lyrics is that lyrics sort of fade into the background. They fade on the page and live on the stage when set to music  (Sort Quotes) That strange feeling we had in the war. Have you found anything in your lives since to equal it in strength? A sort of splendid carelessness it was, holding us together  (Sort Quotes) To play someone who is who they are because of the happiness and contentedness that they’ve known in their life is interesting because of sort of how banal it is  (Sort Quotes) There’s something that sort of weirds me out about actors who want to be rock stars, and the other way around too  (Sort Quotes) Passion is a sort of fever in the mind, which ever leaves us weaker than it found us  (Sort Quotes) I think I have sort of gravitated toward issues that I don’t know the answers to, because that’s what’s more interesting for me to write  (Sort Quotes) I don’t watch much telly, the telly hardly goes on, but the things I do watch are sort of nature programs, and something about the oceans and the amount of weird fish that’s in there  (Sort Quotes) The curse of me and my nation is that we always think things can be bettered by immediate action of some sort, any sort rather than no sort  (Sort Quotes) I’m afraid of everything. But maybe when you’re afraid of everything, it sort of seems like you’re scared of nothing  (Sort Quotes) The beginning of reform is not so much to equalize property as to train the noble sort of natures not to desire more, and to prevent the lower from getting more  (Sort Quotes) You can talk about capitalism and communism and all that sort of thing, but the important thing is the struggle everybody is engaged in to get better living conditions, and they are not interested too much in government  (Sort Quotes) I look upon indolence as a sort of suicide; for the man is effectually destroyed, though the appetites of the brute may survive  (Sort Quotes) Truth of a modest sort I can promise you, and also sincerity. That complete, praiseworthy sincerity which, while it delivers one into the hands of one’s enemies, is as likely as not to embroil one with one’s friends  (Sort Quotes) When every one of your arguments is characterized an attempt to bring back slavery or resegregate lunch counters, it’s a little hard to have any sort of productive debate  (Sort Quotes)
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