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All of us roughly know what memory is. I mean, memory is sort of the storage of the past. It’s the storage of our personal experiences. It’s a very big deal  (Sort Quotes) I think the most interesting parts of human experience might be the sparks that come from that sort of chipping flint of cultures rubbing against each other  (Sort Quotes) I don’t read the magazines that make things up about people. I know what the truth is. I don’t sort of indulge in my own fodder. I don’t really care what they write about me  (Sort Quotes) I feel like every woman is a queen, and we should be treated as such, and we should, you know, sort of request that sort of treatment from others  (Sort Quotes) As a rapper, you sort of act in music videos and in the persona you adopt onstage. You kinda have to put yourself out there and be courageous even to be a rapper. So, to step into acting was not that difficult a transition to make  (Sort Quotes) Usually when you watch a film, you’re just sort of biting your nails about things you could have done differently  (Sort Quotes) It’s not fair to compare one artist to another because they all come with their own sort of elements to the picnic, you know  (Sort Quotes) If you can sort out why you feel the way you do then you might be in better shape to meet your maker  (Sort Quotes) I think people seem to sort of associate me with danger. And I don’t see that at all  (Sort Quotes) I was an intimate sort of child who never spoke up in groups. I preferred close friends  (Sort Quotes) There are a lot of public figures who, before they take a stand on a issue, they talk about it with their publicist and they figure out how it’s going to affect record sales. Life is really too short to worry about that sort of thing  (Sort Quotes) I draw hundreds and hundreds of pictures of sort of gnarly looking men, so I don’t know what that tells you. People who look like... they’re waiting for a sandwich that’s never going to come. I don’t know what’s wrong with me  (Sort Quotes) An efficient government is dangerous in the hands of the wrong man. Sadly, the right sort of man never seems interested in the job  (Sort Quotes) Often in gothic novels there’s a large house, an estate, and it’s symbolic of that culture. Usually it’s sort of moldering or rotted or something, and sometimes it’s a whole community  (Sort Quotes) I think that there is a sort of spiritual power that is translating into our bodies as we perform. Performers give, and giving is so important. It can heal. That is my experience, anyway  (Sort Quotes) I don’t do much more than organise other people’s ideas and insights and thoughts, and sort of harvest them, and inventory them and present them  (Sort Quotes) I’m sort of getting into the idea of nourishing your inner aspect and doing that by investing in your family and making a meal and creating time together  (Sort Quotes) The trickster’s function is to break taboos, create mischief, stir things up. In the end, the trickster gives people what they really want, some sort of freedom  (Sort Quotes) Boxing is sort of an inevitability. We know they are going to be pounding each other  (Sort Quotes) Directing is so interesting. You know, it just sort of encompasses everything that you see, that you know, that you’ve felt, that you have observed  (Sort Quotes) I don’t know how to have a normal relationship because I try to act normal and love from a normal place and live a normal life, but there is sort of an abnormal magnifying glass, like telescope lens, on everything that happens  (Sort Quotes) It is a process of discovery. It’s being quiet enough and undisturbed enough for a period of time so that the songs can begin to sort of peek out, and you begin to have emotional experiences in a musical way  (Sort Quotes) I had a very moral upbringing, and spiritual in a sort of not very specific way  (Sort Quotes) When you think of the sort of things that happen when a genocide happens, it’s again not people who are intrinsically evil  (Sort Quotes) When I was a kid, my parents gave me piano lessons and guitar lessons for a while, but I was never very good at it. I have big, sort of awkward hands. It’s hard to keep going when you don’t get any better  (Sort Quotes) I try to write lyrics so that they won’t age, which sort of leaves you with the big subjects like death and love and sex and violence  (Sort Quotes) I’m no wizard, and I don’t like being thought of in that light at all. I think of a wizard as being some sort of magician or something, doing something on the sly or something, and I don’t want to be thought of in that way  (Sort Quotes) Men, in general, are a sort of scum, very different to anything of which you have an idea  (Sort Quotes) My dear fellow, the truth isn’t quite the sort of thing one tells to a nice, sweet, refined girl. What extraordinary ideas you have about the way to behave to a woman!  (Sort Quotes) For years now, I’ve wanted to fall asleep. The sort of slipping off, the giving up, the falling part of sleep. Now sleeping is the last thing I want to do  (Sort Quotes)
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