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You take a bunch of people who don’t seem any different from you and me, but when you add them all together you get this sort of huge raving maniac with national borders and an anthem  (Sort Quotes) Things like crowns had a troublesome effect on clever folk; it was best to leave all the reigning to the kind of people whose eyebrows met in the middle when they tried to think. In a funny sort of way, they were much better at it  (Sort Quotes) Now what else is the whole life of mortals, but a sort of comedy in which the various actors, disguised by various costumes and masks, walk on and play each ones part until the manager walks them off the stage?  (Sort Quotes) There’s a sort of dead passion in him. A spark that, had he more years to live, would be a wildfire  (Sort Quotes) Your not reliable. You wouldn’t be at all a comfortable sort of person to live with  (Sort Quotes) Sometimes I think of myself as a little bee. I go from one area of the studio to another and gather pollen and sort of stimulate everybody. I guess that’s the job I do  (Sort Quotes) I have a sort of empty feeling; nothing in the world seems of sufficient importance to be worth the doing  (Sort Quotes) He’s not your typical prince, more like a square peg in a round hole, kind of like me. He’s the sort of guy who wouldn’t mind reading side by side on a date  (Sort Quotes) She had loved him. He knew this; he had never doubted it. But she had also asked him to kill her. If you love someone that much, you did not lay that sort of burden on him for the rest of his life  (Sort Quotes) I have neither curiosity, interest, pain nor pleasure, in anything, good or evil, they can say of me. I feel only a slight disgust, and a sort of wonder that they presume to write my name  (Sort Quotes) She screamed, the high scream that was neither human nor animal but something terrible in between, the sort of sound that you never forget no matter how many beautiful things you hear afterward  (Sort Quotes) Altogether it will be found that a quiet life is characteristic of great men, and that their pleasures have not been of the sort that would look exciting to the outward eye  (Sort Quotes) Just sort of relax your mind and say yes, it does hurt, I know. Don’t try and shut it out  (Sort Quotes) You don’t need to show off your body to catch a boy’s eye. You’d best learn that early on, or you’ll be bringing home the worst sort of boy  (Sort Quotes) He was evidently the sort of person who posed questions that were traps for you to fall into  (Sort Quotes) You could put your confusion and upset and worries into whatever book you were reading. You could sort of set them down in there, and you could come out with your head on a little straighter. I don’t why stories worked that way, but they did  (Sort Quotes) See, popularity is complicated. You have to spend a lot of time thinking about liking; you have to really like being liked, and also sort like being disliked  (Sort Quotes) To teach that a comparatively few men are responsible for the greatest forward steps of mankind is the worst sort of nonsense  (Sort Quotes) Now, for my younger viewers out there, a book is something we used to have before the internet. It’s sort of a blog for people with attention spans  (Sort Quotes) Don’t make it sound like that. Like some ordinary sort of grief. It’s not like that. They say time heals all wounds, but that presumes the source of the grief is finite. Over. This is a fresh wound every day  (Sort Quotes) He’s one kind of person, you’re another. When life is going along normally, you’re sort of the same. But when life turns strange and scary, when there’s a crisis, suddenly you’re completely different people  (Sort Quotes) He looked like the sort of person who would tell you that he did not have an umbrella to lend you when he actually had several and simply wanted to see you get soaked  (Sort Quotes) In big industry new ideas are invited to rear their heads so they can be clobbered at once. The idea department of a big firm is a sort of lab for isolating dangerous viruses  (Sort Quotes) When I think about what sort of person I would most like to have on a retainer, I think it would be a boss. A boss who could tell me what to do, because that makes everything easy when you’re working  (Sort Quotes) There is no life of a man, faithfully recorded, but is a heroic poem of its sort, rhymed or unrhymed  (Sort Quotes) One must have some sort of occupation nowadays. If I hadn’t my debts I shouldn’t have anything to think about  (Sort Quotes) To get rid of greed, you should try to do some sort of a collective social work  (Sort Quotes) I wear my sort of clothes to save me the trouble of deciding which clothes to wear  (Sort Quotes) We have a potentially volatile situation but we sort of live with it, and we kick the ball down the field and hope that ultimately, somehow, something will happen and resolve it  (Sort Quotes) No matter how many mistakes you’ve made in the past, or what sort of difficulties you struggle with now, you are destined to live in victory  (Sort Quotes)
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