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From a position of this sort, if the enemy is unprepared, you may sally forth and defeat him. But if the enemy is prepared for your coming, and you fail to defeat him, then, return being impossible, disaster will ensue  (Sort Quotes) An idea will infect another with its own emotional interest when they have become both associated together into any sort of a mental total  (Sort Quotes) Looking to any angry, anxious, or otherwise stressed emotional state to help you sort out the pain you’re in is like trying to organize your monthly bills by throwing them into a blender  (Sort Quotes) Laying out grounds may be considered a liberal art, in some sort like poetry and painting  (Sort Quotes) I love my mother, but there has been, ever since my boyhood, a sort of coldness of intercourse between us, such as is apt to come between people of strong feelings  (Sort Quotes) Motherhood sort of puts things into perspective, and it’s bout real life, and life is about people, what we give, what we take, what we share  (Sort Quotes) Great minds tend toward banality. It is the noblest effort of individualism. But it implies a sort of modesty, which is so rare that it is scarcely found except in the greatest, or in beggars  (Sort Quotes) They mention that it’s a nonstop flight. Well, I must say I don’t care for that sort of thing. Call me old fashioned, but I insist that my flight stop. Preferably at an airport  (Sort Quotes) If we take matrimony at it’s lowest, we regard it as a sort of friendship recognised by the police  (Sort Quotes) Take one thing with another, and the world is a pretty good sort of a world, and it is our duty to make the best of it, and be thankful  (Sort Quotes) Meditation is a sort of prayer and prayer is meditation. The highest meditation is to think of nothing. If you can remain one moment without thought, great power will come  (Sort Quotes) I do think that the birth of my daughter was sort of a rebirth for me. It made me look at life in a completely new way. And that made me appreciate life in a way I don’t think I ever had before  (Sort Quotes) There is no situation that is not transformable. There is no person who is hopeless. There is no set of circumstances that cannot be turned about by ordinary human beings and their natural capacity for love of the deepest sort  (Sort Quotes) I drank a lot, but I wouldn’t have missed it. I look back on it as sort of dreary enjoyment, because I don’t have to be there anymore  (Sort Quotes) I missed her then but it was an odd sort of missing because by then, I knew the meaning of forever  (Sort Quotes) I didn’t want to get stuck in pretty, public school roles, or I knew I’d end up as some sort of caricature  (Sort Quotes) On the morrow of each conflict I gave the categorical order to confiscate the largest possible number of weapons of every sort and kind  (Sort Quotes) We infer the spirit of the nation in great measure from the language, which is a sort of monument, to which each forcible individual in a course of many hundred years has contributed a stone  (Sort Quotes) If people have some sort of yearning, dissatisfaction or some itching irritability, then it might because they aren’t looking in the right direction for a solution. They aren’t looking within  (Sort Quotes) I don’t believe in sort of holding back, you know, life isn’t a dress rehearsal!  (Sort Quotes) Well... like, when you’re born, you’re a little baby, you’re wrinkly and stuff, when you get older you sort of morph into a baby again  (Sort Quotes) People moan about drugs being tested on animals. I sort of think it depends innit. If the drug’s aspirin and the monkey’s got a headache, is it right?  (Sort Quotes) If I were only allowed to read or enjoy art or listen to music made by people whose opinions and beliefs were the same as mine, I think the world would be a pretty dismal sort of a place  (Sort Quotes) Religion is sort of like a lift in your shoes. If it makes you feel better, fine. Just don’t ask me to wear your shoes  (Sort Quotes) The lucky few who can be involved in creative work of any sort will be the true elite of mankind, for they alone will do more than serve a machine  (Sort Quotes) I mean to be too rich to lament or to feel anything of the sort. A large income is the best recipe for happiness I ever heard of. It certainly may secure all the myrtle and turkey part of it  (Sort Quotes) When I was very young I was sort of floored by the fact that my mother and my father and everyone I knew was going to die one day, and myself too. I had a sort of a philosophical crisis. I couldn’t believe that we were mortal  (Sort Quotes) All the brains in the world are powerless against the sort of stupidity that is in fashion  (Sort Quotes) I have criticized absent people so often, and then discovered, to my humiliation, that I was talking with their relatives, that I have grown superstitious about that sort of thing and dropped it  (Sort Quotes) Pegging your contentment to the overall state of the world rather than of your own life: the basis of morality, or a sort of madness?  (Sort Quotes)
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