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Does not everyone who describes something he has experienced believe basically that whatever happens to him has some sort of relevance  (Sort Quotes) Authorship of any sort is a fantastic indulgence of the ego. It is well no doubt, to reflect on how much one owes to others  (Sort Quotes) Many will call me an adventurer, and that I am... Only one of a different sort: one who risks his skin to prove his truths  (Sort Quotes) There is a sort of mythology that grows up about what happened, which is different from what really did happen  (Sort Quotes) Well, I’d rather be unhappy than have the sort of false, lying happiness you were having here  (Sort Quotes) I don’t believe that the policies on which we fought the election ought to be ejected like some sort of spent cartridge  (Sort Quotes) People in general have no notion of the sort and amount of evidence often needed to prove the simplest matter of fact  (Sort Quotes) I confess some part of me thought, if only I’d stuck around, this is the sort of catastrophe I might have created  (Sort Quotes) And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark  (Sort Quotes) She didn’t swat it, and she hoped they were watching, because that proved what sort of a person she really was. why, she wouldn’t even harm a fly  (Sort Quotes) I am the sort of man who devotes his life to the salvation of humanity in the abstract, and can’t bear to give a penny to a starving widow  (Sort Quotes) Crime is a logical extension of the sort of behavior that is often considered perfectly respectable in legitimate business  (Sort Quotes) Wherever there are beginners and experts, old and young, there is some kind of learning going on, and some sort of teaching. We are all pupils and we are all teachers  (Sort Quotes) Many would like religion as a sort of lightning rod to their houses, to ward off, by and by, the bolts of divine wrath  (Sort Quotes) Life is no brief candle to me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations  (Sort Quotes) Very nice sort of place, oxford, I should think, for people that like that sort of place  (Sort Quotes) Quite a nasty piece of work. Not the sort of person you’d want to have dinner with  (Sort Quotes) The constant dilemma of the information age is that our ability to gather a sea of data greatly exceeds the tools and techniques available to sort, extract, and apply the information we’ve collected  (Sort Quotes) It’s red hot, mate. I hate to think of this sort of book getting in the wrong hands. As soon as I’ve finished this, I shall recommend they ban it  (Sort Quotes) What sort of philosophers are we, who know absolutely nothing about the origin and destiny of cats?  (Sort Quotes) Perpetual aiming at wit is a very bad part of conversation. It is done to support a character: it generally fails; it is a sort of insult on the company, and a restraint upon the speaker  (Sort Quotes) History needs distance, perspective. Facts and events which are too well attested cease, in some sort, to be malleable  (Sort Quotes) Well was it said by a man of sagacity that dancing was a sort of privileged and reputable folly, and that the best way to be convinced of this was to close the ears and judge of it by the eyes alone  (Sort Quotes) Great effects come of industry and perseverance: for audacity doth almost bind and mate the weaker sort of minds  (Sort Quotes) I cannot imagine why we should be at the expense to furnish wit for succeeding ages, when the former have made no sort of provision for ours  (Sort Quotes) Many men provoke others to overreach them by excessive suspicion; their extraordinary distrust in some sort justifies the deceit  (Sort Quotes) I find great numbers of moderately good people who think it fine to talk scandal. They regard it as a sort of evidence of their own goodness  (Sort Quotes) Copiousness of words, however ranged, is always false eloquence, though it will ever impose on some sort of understandings  (Sort Quotes) Every effect doth, after a sort, contain, or at least resemble, the cause from which it proceedeth  (Sort Quotes) Turn round, my boy! How ridiculous you look! What sort of a priest’s cassock have you got on? Does everybody at the academy dress like that?  (Sort Quotes)
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