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I think part of the appeal of Antarctica is experiencing some sort of power, the forces of the natural world  (Sort Quotes) On set, there’s a lot of pressure. But it sort of heightens the moments  (Sort Quotes) What happens a lot in film, though not so much in the theatre, is that you get stroked and sort of massaged, like a little guinea pig  (Sort Quotes) It’s not that I don’t like American pop; I’m a huge admirer of it, but I think my roots came from a very English and Irish base. Is it all sort of totally non-American sounding, do you think?  (Sort Quotes) I like mountains and oceans and stuff, which is where I’ve always felt some sort of power of meaning, but that’s not necessarily spiritual  (Sort Quotes) Sometimes when you’re acting, you only need a little bit of something to sort of channel or, you know, transport into a place  (Sort Quotes) When you’re part of history, you don’t know it. You’re just sort of living your life  (Sort Quotes) ‘Survivor’ was, to me, an absolute reaction that the audience was having to the sort of staid nature of narrative drama on television  (Sort Quotes) Although most Christian churches advocate some sort of mission to non-Christians, no Jewish group advocates a mission to non-Jews. Proselytization seems to be foreign to Judaism  (Sort Quotes) All the pictures I do are contemporary. I’ve sort of discovered I haven’t really been into science fiction or period pictures. And so, in that vein, psychological thrillers play a big part  (Sort Quotes) The people who work in Wall Street still look up to Gordon Gekko. He’s sort of a guru  (Sort Quotes) Sustainability can’t be like some sort of a moral sacrifice or political dilemma or a philanthropical cause. It has to be a design challenge  (Sort Quotes) You can say, like, planet Earth has an existing geology, and what we do as human beings and as architects is that we try to sort of alter and modify and expand the geology  (Sort Quotes) I’m in a band, and we play music. And that’s sort of my way of still being a rock star  (Sort Quotes) I have a call to speak, to write, to do sort of deep-heart surgery in people’s lives  (Sort Quotes) Laughter is a strange response. I mean, what is it? It’s a spasm of some kind! Is that always joy? It’s very often discomfort. It’s some sort of explosive reaction. It’s very complex  (Sort Quotes) I have to feel the audience. I enjoy that feeling of community. There’s something sort of spiritual about it in a lot of ways. It’s like we’re all doing this together  (Sort Quotes) In a marriage, in any long-term relationship, not to bother with lying. There’s no time for that. If you have any sort of secret life, it will come back to haunt you  (Sort Quotes) Endings are really hard to do, and it’s hard to do an ending where it’s sort of collaborative with thousands and thousands of people, and to satisfy all those people is impossible  (Sort Quotes) It is not whether an independent Scotland could go it alone and develop its own defence forces - of course it could - but what sort of forces would they be  (Sort Quotes) Popular music usually has a chorus that needs to repeat, and people need to remember the song. That’s sort of the major guideline when you’re writing a song  (Sort Quotes) I make really good chicken soup, sort of from scratch. I don’t make my own stock. I just use a base like a chicken stock, but everything else, all the ingredients, I do on my own  (Sort Quotes) I didn’t think it was my dream to be on Broadway; it just sort of became that, and then it just became me wanting it more and more and more  (Sort Quotes) I only take causes or write about things that I am passionate about, and I do it with a certain flair and a sort of wink and a nod  (Sort Quotes) When you’re in Hollywood, you get sort of jaded about what you think the sense of humor of Hollywood is supposed to be, so you can’t think outside the box  (Sort Quotes) There’s nothing universal about Indian families except that the family itself is deeply important across the country. It’s sort of the fabric and anchor of our country  (Sort Quotes) I genuinely find the most meaningful thing I do is to make music, but also to absorb some sort of creativity  (Sort Quotes) In high school, I was sort of friends with the geeks and friends with the socials and everything else and not solidly in one camp. I’ve always lived on the borders  (Sort Quotes) Living with my grandmother in Bath, I sort of thought I was living in the 19th century. My grandmother was someone who, in a way, was rather defiantly trying to live a pre-World War I existence  (Sort Quotes) I suffer from and enjoy an incredibly vivid dream life. A lot of times there is a sort of narrative, and other times they are just funhouses of non-linear imagery and other scary stuff  (Sort Quotes)
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