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To me, White Boy Shuffle is sort of like Catcher in the Rye, the story is so universal  (Sort Quotes) I just sort of go along and say what I think -and that’s all you can do in life, really  (Sort Quotes) I still feel that a movie has to attempt to say something - even if it fails miserably. But I’ve sort of given up on believing that I’m going to change the world with every film I choose to act in  (Sort Quotes) He was the sort of person who stood on mountaintops during thunderstorms in wet copper armour shouting ‘All the Gods are bastards  (Sort Quotes) The Athenians are right to accept advice from anyone, since it is incumbent on everyone to share in that sort of excellence, or else there can be no city at all  (Sort Quotes) I’ve always wondered why there isn’t a great French novel about the German occupation. The nouveau roman authors weren’t interested in telling that sort of thing  (Sort Quotes) If somebody thinks they’re a hedgehog, presumably you just give ‘em a mirror and a few pictures of hedgehogs and tell them to sort it out for themselves  (Sort Quotes) Then I started listenin’ a lot to classical composers. Piano works. Just to see what they were doin’. That sort of put me in a different groove to try to blend all that in  (Sort Quotes) The FBI, to its credit in a self-serving sort of way, rejects the routine use of the polygraph on its own people  (Sort Quotes) It doesn’t look great if you cancel the reigning Best Comedy Program, you know, you’re gonna take a hit from a... from sort of a public relations standpoint  (Sort Quotes) I never could have planned this, and now I’m in my ideal situation career-wise and just sort of where I am in my life, and I’m super happy with how everything’s going  (Sort Quotes) The real excitement and big deal for me started when I got cast in the first X-Men, which was sort of a fluke  (Sort Quotes) I get into certain yoga positions at times, when I’m working out and for exercises. I use a little of it in some of my meditation, but I chant now and that sort of replaced it  (Sort Quotes) As an actor I’ve been attracted to the sort of films that I want to go and see. That tends to usually be drama-related  (Sort Quotes) My background was producing and writing and performing in television when I started out, and I really missed that, that whole creative process that comes from sort of ‘me’ storytelling  (Sort Quotes) My priorities had been changing before I had Addie but after she was born they changed completely. I don’t count - my daughter sort of owns me  (Sort Quotes) When I was a child I had something called Perthes’ Disease which meant I was on crutches, so I was bullied at school and all that sort of stuff  (Sort Quotes) Again, President Reagan was sort of an amiable presence out at the ranch by the last 6 months of his presidency. He had no effect on national policy at all  (Sort Quotes) In Australia, they set up a special fund to kick films off. It was quite an enlightened sort of move. You could go to this government bureau with scripts and and get finance for films  (Sort Quotes) But when I disappeared, it sort of pissed me off, that guys get to go on being sexual until they’re seventy or eighty, and we disappear at forty - five or fifty  (Sort Quotes) Well, I think I was always sort of reflecting where I was and my sense of surroundings and ecology, urban or country, or foreign, living in Europe, very affected by all of that  (Sort Quotes) Even with Extreme, I don’t think you have a choice but to sort of have somewhat of an influence of the times  (Sort Quotes) There’s sort of an open offer to work with a guy in Los Angeles who does big band and orchestra arrangements who was at least an acquaintance to Les Baxter before he passed away  (Sort Quotes) Perhaps I have managed some sort of longevity because I haven’t won the lead roles. I don’t have the pressure of being a world - famous bombshell that has detonated  (Sort Quotes) I think it’s sort of a rite of passage for a British actor to try and get the American accent and have a good crack at doing that  (Sort Quotes) After this interview, I’m going to immigration to try to sort out my Green Card, just like any other normal person  (Sort Quotes) I do transcendental meditation, which is, I suppose, derived from Vedic or Ayurvedic principles, which is sort of Hindu principles  (Sort Quotes) When you consider what Tony Blair was saying about liberty, human rights and that sort of thing, it would be terribly revolutionary to sell the speeches he and Jack Straw made in 1994  (Sort Quotes) Dylan, myself and my father were in a two hour movie called the Sand Kings, which started off the Outer Limits series. It was sort of the two hour pilot movie  (Sort Quotes) Sea Hunt was the first time anyone tackled a show that took place underwater. The stories were sort of exciting for kids, like cops and robbers underwater  (Sort Quotes)
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