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Today the sort of thing for a guy in England growing up is that you have to suppress all your emotions. It’s almost like you have to sit back and be cool  (Sort Quotes) I don’t know how else to tell the story except to utilise that vocabulary: the rain, the darkness, the mansions, the framing, etc, the lighting and that sort of thing  (Sort Quotes) You’re just playing a role, whether it’s a drama or a comedy. I find it really fun to sort of play opposite Uma  (Sort Quotes) In my day, the drug was alcohol and the weapon was a fist, so it was very sort of innocent and primitive. Now you’ve got drugs, guns, and knives, which are so lethal  (Sort Quotes) For me, music is sort of the art that I can’t incorporate into my person the way I want to  (Sort Quotes) Music still sort of hangs up there in the sky for me as this thing that moves me so much, but I can’t really make it. It’s like a car I can’t drive  (Sort Quotes) It’s my first sort of commercial attempt, but it made sense for me because I’m not that kind of guy and I’m not going to continue to do that kind of movie  (Sort Quotes) I think progress is a sort of comfortable disease, and we’ve got a media that says entertainment and celebrity, which isn’t bad in itself but it stops the real issues coming forward  (Sort Quotes) I feel like in a conversation if things get said and then repeated, it sort of becomes inherently part of the narrative whether you want it to be or not  (Sort Quotes) Everybody should write a book whether you get it published or not because the experience of sort of taking it all and throwing it down on paper is unbelievably cathartic  (Sort Quotes) I’m a huge fan of ghost stories, that sort of slow build, the suspense and the questioning about whether you’re imagining something or if it’s real  (Sort Quotes) For as long as we can trace back human life, there’s always been some sort of music - ceremonies, rituals. It’s part of the human makeup  (Sort Quotes) There’s some connection between visual images and music. But there’s plenty of old records where I have no idea what the band looked like, or even what sort of context the music was played in  (Sort Quotes) I sort of knew very early on that I wanted to be a writer. Even in high school, I was a big movie buff, very much into TV shows, and would critique them  (Sort Quotes) Pigs are very intelligent. They’re very misunderstood. Yet they’re sort of man’s unofficial best friend  (Sort Quotes) The most dangerous kind of girl involvement with gangs is one where the girls are just sort of hanging around the gang boys or even being part of the male gang  (Sort Quotes) I’m English and I’m used to coming from a world of period dramas, where there’s a very polite restraint to everything. Everybody’s sort of sitting in drawing rooms  (Sort Quotes) Muslims stand by their religion entirely. It is a sort of religious absolutism. While Europeans have stopped defending the values of their civilization. They confuse tolerance with relativism  (Sort Quotes) I wanted to be a filmmaker, actually, when I was in high school and college. But I just decided it would be more expensive to do, so I sort of decided music would be more fun  (Sort Quotes) Things might not get better but they might not get worse. There’s something sort of beautiful about that  (Sort Quotes) I believe that I am some sort of fiction writer and I’m using myself in my work because I’m the person I’m most convenient to use  (Sort Quotes) The humor for me is how far above your head the signature is - it’s dislocated from the sign of the artist in such a distinct way that it could almost be a self-portrait of a sort  (Sort Quotes) I get a feeling, on a guitar, and I sort of mess around until something resonates with me, and then I just find that what happens is that a melody comes, and with that, words  (Sort Quotes) I’m a sucker for a man who giggles-not a high-pitched serial-killer sort of giggle, but a lighthearted laugh  (Sort Quotes) I went from a very pessimistic person to a very optimistic person sort of overnight, which is very weird. It’s not even the success of my shows. I think it’s the lifestyle change, I really do  (Sort Quotes) When I say that the acting is sort of like a normal acting experience, I’m just talking about the interacting in actual scenes, like doing dialogue  (Sort Quotes) Honesty is most important, and it’s difficult when you’re young and single and sort of figuring out your own life  (Sort Quotes) It’s not too bad to be a sort of pop icon, you know? It’s not too tough to handle  (Sort Quotes) I’m not really sure of anything. I have no personality or opinion on anything. I just sort of float around and lie to my dog  (Sort Quotes) The thing about Alzheimer’s is that it’s... it’s sort of like all these little, small deaths along the way, before they actually physically die  (Sort Quotes)
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