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Sounder Quotes

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The sounder your argument, the more satisfaction you get out of it  (Sounder Quotes) Were not cutting the budget simply for the sake of sounder financial management. This is only a first step toward returning power to the states and communities, only a first step toward reordering the relationship between citizen and government  (Sounder Quotes) I maintain that many an inventor, many a diplomat, many a financier is a sounder philosopher than all those who practice the dull craft of experimental psychology.  (Sounder Quotes) I agree with people who say we want more income equality; we want more consumer protection; and we want sounder banks. I agree with all that.  (Sounder Quotes) In my state, on the basis of the separate but equal doctrine, we have made enormous strides over the years in the education of both races. Personally, I think it would have been sounder judgment to allow that progress to continue through the process of natural evolution. However, there is no point crying about spilt milk  (Sounder Quotes) Of course we will continue to work for cheaper electricity in the homes and on the farms of America; for better and cheaper transportation; for low interest rates; for sounder home financing; for better banking; for the regulation of security issues; for reciprocal trade among nations and for the wiping out of slums. And my friends, for all of these we have only begun to fight  (Sounder Quotes) I maintain that many an inventor, many a diplomat, many a financier is a sounder philosopher than all those who practice the dull craft of experimental psychology  (Sounder Quotes) Hate always sells well, but for repeat trade and the long pull happiness is sounder merchandise  (Sounder Quotes) Faith is a sounder guide than reason. Reason can only go so far, but faith has no limits  (Sounder Quotes) When I sound the fairy call, gather here in silent meeting, chin to knee on the orchard wall, cooled with dew and cherries eating. Merry, merry, take a cherry mine are sounder, mine are rounder mine are sweeter, for the eater when the dews fall. And you'll be fairies all  (Sounder Quotes) I am struck by the fact that the more slowly trees grow at first, the sounder they are at the core, and I think that the same is true of human beings  (Sounder Quotes) Some are reputed sick and some are not. It often happens that the sicker man is the nurse to the sounder  (Sounder Quotes) Whatever the circumstances of your life, the understanding of type can make your perceptions clearer, your judgements sounder, and your life closer to your heart’s desire  (Sounder Quotes) The subtleties of mathematics defecate the grossness of our apprehension, and supply the elements of a sounder and severer logic  (Sounder Quotes) It is an admitted fact that the ordinary tomtit of commerce has a sounder aesthetic taste than the average female relative in the country  (Sounder Quotes) Envy is like a fly that passes all the body’s sounder parts, and dwells upon the sores  (Sounder Quotes) Let no man fear to die, we love to sleep all, and death is but the sounder sleep  (Sounder Quotes) Story belongs to the people. They are sounder judges of it than anyone else, for their senses are unspoiled and their emotions are free  (Sounder Quotes)