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Souvenirs Quotes

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Souvenirs? More than if I had lived a thousand years!  (Souvenirs Quotes) I collect underwear from my travels. Lace, lingerie, bodysuits... they’re like souvenirs  (Souvenirs Quotes) Funny how internal scars never healed. They were the souvenirs of the past  (Souvenirs Quotes) If you’re feeling fancy free, come wander through the world with me, and any place we chance to be, will be a rendezvous. Two for the road, we’ll travel through the years, collecting precious memories, selecting souvenirs and living life the way we please  (Souvenirs Quotes) Keep some souvenirs of your past, or how will you ever prove it wasn’t all a dream?  (Souvenirs Quotes) Of all the priceless objects left behind, this is what we rescue. These artifacts. Memory cues. Useless souvenirs. Nothing you could auction. The scars left from happiness  (Souvenirs Quotes) Romantic souvenirs had a way of attaching themselves to one when one wanted to move on, but they were not to be taken seriously  (Souvenirs Quotes) The instruction received at the mother’s knee, and the paternal lessons, together with the pious and sweet souvenirs of the fireside, are never effaced entirely from the soul  (Souvenirs Quotes) There is enjoyment even in sadness; and the same souvenirs which have produced long regrets may also soften them  (Souvenirs Quotes) I am mad about hats. I collect them as souvenirs from my globe trotting  (Souvenirs Quotes) The nineteenth century lynching mob cuts off ears, toes, and fingers, strips off flesh, and distributes portions of the body as souvenirs among the crowd  (Souvenirs Quotes) Moving on means letting go. You haven’t moved on if you’re still holding on to souvenirs and memories  (Souvenirs Quotes) The nineteenth century lynching mob cuts off ears, toes, and fingers, strips off flesh, and distributes portions of the body as souvenirs among the crowd.  (Souvenirs Quotes) Have you ever been to Mexico City and haggled with the locals over souvenirs? Well, in Peru, you had to negotiate like that to get the freshest fish at the market.  (Souvenirs Quotes)